Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve

Merging Waters in Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve

Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve was established on December 2, 1980, under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), to maintain the wild and undeveloped character and environmental integrity of the area, to provide continued opportunities for mountain climbing and other wilderness recreational activities, to protect habitat for and populations of fish and wildlife, and to permit subsistence uses where such uses are traditional.

Lying north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska, Gates of the Arctic is situated in the central Brooks Range, the northernmost extension of the Rocky Mountains, and encompasses 8.4 million acres of land. Gates of the Arctic is composed of the national park (approximately 7.5 million acres) and two units containing 948,608 acres that make up the national preserve.

The park and preserve is characterized by rugged peaks, glaciated arctic valleys, wild and scenic rivers, and many lakes.

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    Last updated: June 7, 2022