Climate Impacts in Park Cultural Landscapes

Climate Future Summaries

The Climate Change Response Program has developed park-specific briefs on climate exposure for all parks in the conterminous U.S. to help inform and support a broad range of climate assessments and climate adaptation efforts and activities.

Source: Data Store Collection 9441. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.

Park Reports and Case Studies

Integrated Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment at Colonial National Historical Park

With Colonial National Historical Park as the pilot, partners from the University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center developed and tested a climate change vulnerability assessment approach that considers a subset of climate drivers and potential associated vulnerabilities of natural resources, cultural resources, and facilities. The method is relatively rapid, using best available science, relying on existing data, and capturing expert knowledge. Vulnerability is scored as low, moderate, or high, based on exposure to climate drivers and sensitivity of each resource. The resulting reports are now available:

Coastal Adaptation Strategies: Case Studies

In September of 2015, the National Park Service released a summary report detailing 24 coastal adaptation efforts occurring in 15 states across the country. The report was compiled to create dialogue among park managers and other coastal management agencies responsible for stewarding natural and cultural resources impacted by the threats of climate change.

NPS Articles and Examples

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    Last updated: July 12, 2024