Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Ecosystem Restoration

National Park Service staff planting native species

NPS / Connar L'Ecuyer

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was signed on November 15, 2021. It is a historic investment in the restoration and protection of the environment.

The law includes funding for ecosystem restoration, fire mitigation and prevention, and transportation projects that benefit the communities and areas served by the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service.

Fact sheet: Interior Department to Take Action to Restore Lands and Waters, Advance Climate Resilience.

Ecosystem Restoration Investments under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

In Fiscal Year 2022, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided $15 million for ecosystem restoration projects in national parks. Projects fall into the below topic areas and compliment key Department of the Interior initiatives. See the list of projects through Fiscal Year 2026 below.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Projects

Funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is supporting projects in national parks across the country. Explore active projects near you below.

BIL-Ecosystem Restoration - Project Funding Summary

Project Summaries by Topic Area

Energy Community Revitalization Program

The National Park Service will plug, remediate, and reclaim orphaned oil and gas wells in national parks. There are approximately 1800 oil and gas wells located in at least 47 parks. An estimated 364 of the wells are actively operating, while the remaining wells are inactive, plugged, abandoned, or orphaned. In FY22, NPS initiated 26 BIL funded projects totaling $9.8 million for well plugging, site reclamation and infrastructure removal activities in national parks. The projects are prioritized based on three factors:

  1. public health and safety,

  2. potential environmental harm, and

  3. other subsurface impacts or land use priorities.
BIL-ECRP - Project Funding Summary

Ecosystem Restoration and Energy Community Revitalization Stories and News Releases

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    Additional Resources

    • Road paving equipment
      Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

      This law is the largest investment in restoration and protection of the environment and infrastructure.

    • Shuttle bus pulling up to a stop on a canyon rim

      The law is the single largest investment in road and bridge repair and reconstruction since the interstate highway system was constructed.

    • Wildland firefighter igniting grass with a drip torch
      Wildland Fire

      The law is investing in a larger and better equipped fire fighting force and hazardous fuels management and post-wildfire restoration.

    Last updated: February 8, 2024