Mary J. Yee

The last native Barbareño Chumash speaker, linguist Mary Yee was the granddaughter of Luisa Ygnacio. Baptized as María Joaquina, she lived with her grandmother until she was 11 years old (Yee was her married surname). Although Mary Yee was not alive when the Lone Woman was taken to Santa Barbara in 1853, she learned about the Lone Woman from her grandmother and mother, Lucrecia Garcia, and shared that information with J.P. Harrington. Yee worked with Harrington from the 1920s through the early 1950s.

DATE OF BIRTH: July 3, 1887
PLACE OF BIRTH: Santa Barbara, California, USA
DATE OF DEATH: July 24, 1965
PLACE OF BURIAL: Calvary Cemetery, Santa Barbara, California, USA


Schwartz, Steven J., Susan L. Morris, John R. Johnson. The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island: Her Story from Native American Sources. Presentation at the May 2018 meeting of the Santa Barbara County Archaeological Society, Santa Barbara, California.

Last updated: November 16, 2018