Application Information

Who May Apply:

Only NPS staff may apply to the CTTP fund source. NPS, other Federal agencies, States, and Tribes are urged to work early and closely with NPS national trail superintendents (or US Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management administrators) to make sure all interests in the project are represented as the project is being developed. For a project involving a national scenic or national historic trail, or a national recreation trail on NPS managed or administered areas, the proposal must be reviewed and signed off by the respective national trail NPS superintendent (or US Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management administrator), and the land manager(s) (such as park superintendent, refuge manager, forest supervisor, State equivalent, or Tribal equivalent) of the partnering NPS area, other Federal area, State area, or Tribal lands. Click here for a full list of national trail contacts.

How to Apply:

Guidance for the CTTP fund source is usually released annually during the internal Servicewide Comprehensive Call (SCC). The SCC will outline specific national and regional guidance, criteria, and dates for submitting proposed CTTP projects. All projects must be entered via the NPS Project Management Information System (PMIS) by NPS staff.


Below are the general steps and approximate timing for the fund source. Please note that the timeline may vary from year to year, and that project funding proposals are typically requested two years later than submission date.

October – SCC guidance released within NPS

October through December* - Proposed projects developed and submitted into PMIS by NPS staff. *Note: submission deadlines may vary by NPS Region.

December through April – Proposed projects are review by regional NPS staff.

May to June – Projects are reviewed by a national-level panel, and notifications are provided to selected proposals.

Last updated: November 29, 2021