
River County Reach Length (miles) Description Potential Classification ORVs Watershed (HUC Code 8) Year Listed/ Updated Other State
Abagadasset River Sagadahoc Headwaters to Merrymeeting Bay. 15 Fish-(Segments are historic Atlantic Salmon fisheries. The Eastern, Cathance and Abagadasset Rivers are the only rivers in Maine where Atlantic sturgeon annually run. Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species, are found in the Kennebec River. The State of Maine has identified the Kennebec River as having the best potential for an anadromous fishery of any river in Maine.) Wildlife-(The Bay has the largest spring concentration of Canada geese in Maine. Segments are a portion of the northernmost stop-over on the Atlantic flyway in the U.S. Bald Eagles nest near Sivan Island on the Kennebec River.) Botanic-(Segments comprise one of the few areas in Maine that supports significant occurrences of wild rice.) Hydrologic-(Segments are integral parts of the largest freshwater tidal bay on the eastern seaboard north of Chesapeake Bay. The Kennebec and Androscoggin River segments are the downstream portions of the second and third largest rivers in Maine.) Recreation-(The Eastern, Abagadasset and Cathance River segments host large members of winter smelt, which are popular for ice-fishing. About 36% of all Maines's waterfowlers hunt in Merrymeeting Bay. The area is in proximity to the urban population of Portland.)Historic-(The Kennebec River segment includes Richmond, an old ship building village which has more Greek Revival homes than any other town in Maine, as well as several buildings on the National Historic Register. The Androscoggin River segment is adjacent to Brunswick which contains a 19th century National Historic District. The Kennebec River segment is adjacent to Bath which contains a 19th century National Historic District. In the late 19th century tidewater ice from the Kennebec River was known as "white gold"" and was famous throughout the country and shipped as far as the West Indies.)" Fish, Historic, Recreational, Wildlife, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Allagash River Aroostook From Twin Brook rapids just downstream of confluence with South Branch West Twin Brook and East Twin Brook to Confluence with the St. John River. 6 Wild-(System includes two of the 10 least developed, low order rivers within entire northeast region.) Other Allagash 1982
Androscoggin River Oxford From Hastings Island to South of Rumford Center 17 Hydrologic-(A sparsely developed high order river. Segments include the Lovejoy Bridge and the Sunday River Bridge. Both are National Historic Register Sites.) Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish, Other Lower Androscoggin 1982
Androscoggin River Oxford Southeast of Dixfield to Bean Island. 16 Hydrologic-(A sparsely developed high order river.) Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish Lower Androscoggin 1982
Androscoggin River Cumberland, Sagadahoc Brunswick to Merrymeeting Bay. 6 Fish-(Segments are historic Atlantic Salmon fisheries. The Eastern, Cathance and Abagadasset Rivers are the only rivers in Maine where Atlantic sturgeon annually run. Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species, are found in the Kennebec River. The State of Maine has identified the Kennebec River as having the best potential for an anadromous fishery of any river in Maine.) Wildlife-(The Bay has the largest spring concentration of Canada geese in Maine. Segments are a portion of the northernmost stop-over on the Atlantic flyway in the U.S. Bald Eagles nest near Sivan Island on the Kennebec River.) Botanic-(Segments comprise one of the few areas in Maine that supports significant occurrences of wild rice.) Hydrologic-(Segments are integral parts of the largest freshwater tidal bay on the eastern seaboard north of Chesapeake Bay. The Kennebec and Androscoggin River segments are the downstream portions of the second and third largest rivers in Maine.) Recreation-(The Eastern, Abagadasset and Cathance River segments host large members of winter smelt, which are popular for ice-fishing. About 36% of all Maines's waterfowlers hunt in Merrymeeting Bay. The area is in proximity to the urban population of Portland.)Historic-(The Kennebec River segment includes Richmond, an old ship building village which has more Greek Revival homes than any other town in Maine, as well as several buildings on the National Historic Register. The Androscoggin River segment is adjacent to Brunswick which contains a 19th century National Historic District. The Kennebec River segment is adjacent to Bath which contains a 19th century National Historic District. In the late 19th century tidewater ice from the Kennebec River was known as "white gold"" and was famous throughout the country and shipped as far as the West Indies.)" Fish, Historic, Recreational, Wildlife, Other Lower Androscoggin 1982
Aroostook River Aroostook, Penobscot From Millinocket Stream to confluence with the Machias River. 45 Hydrologic-(Undeveloped high order river the extent and size of which is rare in the region.) Other Aroostook 1982
Aroostook River Aroostook From Sheridan to Washburn. 19 Hydrologic-(Largely undeveloped high order river.) Other Aroostook 1982
Back River Lincoln Young Point to Clough Point. 5 Fish-(Segment is one of 6 regionally unique current Atlantic Salmon fisheries.) Fish St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Baker Branch Saint John River Aroostook From headwaters to confluence with South West Branch Saint John River 48 Cooridor and surrounding area is one of the largest and least accessible and most primitive geological units east of the Mississippi River. Scenic, Other Headwaters Saint John River 1982
Big Black River Aroostook From Canadian Border to confluence with Saint John River. 30 Wild-(System includes two of the 10 least developed low order rivers within entire northeast region.) Other Big Black River-Saint John River 1982
Carrabasset River Somerset From headwaters downstream to confluence with the Kennebec River. 39 Historic-(Segment was a portion of the route of Benedict Arnold's abortive invasion of Canada in 1775. Arnold's Trail to Quebec is a National Historic Register Site.) Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish, Scenic Lower Kennebec 1982
Cathance River Sagadahoc From Bradley Pond downstream to Merrymeeting Bay. 14 Fish-(Segments are historic Atlantic Salmon fisheries. The Eastern, Cathance and Abagadasset Rivers are the only rivers in Maine where Atlantic sturgeon annually run. Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species, are found in the Kennebec River. The State of Maine has identified the Kennebec River as having the best potential for an anadromous fishery of any river in Maine.) Wildlife-(The Bay has the largest spring concentration of Canada geese in Maine. Segments are a portion of the northernmost stop-over on the Atlantic flyway in the U.S. Bald Eagles nest near Sivan Island on the Kennebec River.) Botanic-(Segments comprise one of the few areas in Maine that supports significant occurrences of wild rice.) Hydrologic-(Segments are integral parts of the largest freshwater tidal bay on the eastern seaboard north of Chesapeake Bay. The Kennebec and Androscoggin River segments are the downstream portions of the second and third largest rivers in Maine.) Recreation-(The Eastern, Abagadasset and Cathance River segments host large members of winter smelt, which are popular for ice-fishing. About 36% of all Maines's waterfowlers hunt in Merrymeeting Bay. The area is in proximity to the urban population of Portland.)Historic-(The Kennebec River segment includes Richmond, an old ship building village which has more Greek Revival homes than any other town in Maine, as well as several buildings on the National Historic Register. The Androscoggin River segment is adjacent to Brunswick which contains a 19th century National Historic District. The Kennebec River segment is adjacent to Bath which contains a 19th century National Historic District. In the late 19th century tidewater ice from the Kennebec River was known as "white gold"" and was famous throughout the country and shipped as far as the West Indies.)" Fish, Historic, Recreational, Wildlife, Other Lower Androscoggin 1982
Cathance Stream Washington Lake Cathance to Confluence with Dennys River 14 Fish-(Segment is one of 6 current Atlantic Salmon fisheries.) Fish Passamaquoddy Bay-Bay of Fundy 1982
Cold Stream Penobscot Enfield at Cold Stream Pond to confluence with Passadumkeag River. 9 Geologic-(A prominent horseback ridge.) Botanic-(A huge expanse of heath and marsh land which supports a variety of plant and animal habitats. Nearly 100% of the corridor possesses significant amounts of wetland and/or water features, the extent and distribution of which is unique to the section.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Cross River Lincoln North of Adams Pond to confluence with the Sheepscot River. 6 Fish-(Segment is one of 6 regionally unique current Atlantic Salmon fisheries.) Fish St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Damariscotta River Lincoln From Damariscotta to Farnham Point. 14 Archeologic-(The shell heaps within the segment represent the largest aboriginal accumulation of oyster shells in the world.) Wildlife-(Segment includes a rare and endangered eagle's nest.) Wildlife, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Dead River Franklin, Somerset From confluece with Spencer Stream to The Forks. 15 Hydrologic-(Grand Falls is a regionally unique high flow falls.) Scenic-(An unusually high diversity of views due to variations in land forms, topography and water features.) Recreation-(Extremely high diversity of stream gradients, including approximately 20% of which is class IV gradient.) Recreational, Scenic, Other Dead 1982
Dead River Walso From headwaters to confluence with St. George River. 3 Botanic-(Segment flows through the 451 acre Appleton Bog, which contains 230 acres of virgin Atlantic White Cedar. This stand is the northern and eastern most extensive growth of that species. Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Deer Meadow Brook Lincoln From confluence with Marsh River to Newcastle. 5 Fish-(The northernmost natural population of the American Oyster in the U.S. and the only significant oyster bed entirely within Maine waters. The southernmost well established Atlantic Salmon run in the region.) Historic-(National Historic Registries present in Alna.) Hydrologic-(Reversible falls below Village of Sheepscot.) Recreation-(Diverse range of gradients and water environments.) Scenic-(Extremely diverse juxtaposition and combination of land, water and vegetational elements.) Fish, Historic, Recreational, Scenic, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Dennys River Washington Hinkley Point to the dam at Meddybemps Lake. 23 Fish-(Segment is one of 6 current Atlantic Salmon fisheries.) Fish Passamaquoddy Bay-Bay of Fundy 1982
Dyer River Lincoln North New Castle at Jones Woods Rd/215 to confluence with Sheepscot River. 5 Fish-(The northernmost natural population of the American Oyster in the U.S. and the only significant oyster bed entirely within Maine waters. The southernmost well-established Atlantic Salmon run in the region.) Historic-(National Historic Registries present in Alna.) Hydrologic-(Reversible falls below Village of Sheepscot.) Recreation-(Diverse range of gradients and water environments.) Scenic-(Extremely diverse juxtaposition and combination of land, water and vegetation elements.) Fish, Historic, Recreational, Scenic, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
East Machias River Washington From Pokey Dam (on Crawford Lake) to Hadley Lake. 25 Fish-(Segment is one of 6 Atlantic Salmon fisheries.) Fish Maine Coastal 1982
Eastern River Lincoln, Kennebac From Kelly Road Bridge to Merrymeeting Bay. 13 Fish-(Segments are historic Atlantic Salmon fisheries. The Eastern, Cathance and Abagadasset Rivers are the only rivers in Maine where Atlantic sturgeon annually run. Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species, are found in the Kennebec River. The State of Maine has identified the Kennebec River as having the best potential for an anadromous fishery of any river in Maine.) Wildlife-(The Bay has the largest spring concentration of Canada geese in Maine. Segments are a portion of the northernmost stop-over on the Atlantic flyway in the U.S. Bald Eagles nest near Sivan Island on the Kennebec River.) Botanic-(Segments comprise one of the few areas in Maine that supports significant occurrences of wild rice.) Hydrologic-(Segments are integral parts of the largest freshwater tidal bay on the eastern seaboard north of Chesapeake Bay. The Kennebec and Androscoggin River segments are the downstream portions of the second and third largest rivers in Maine.) Recreation-(The Eastern, Abagadasset and Cathance River segments host large members of winter smelt, which are popular for ice-fishing. About 36% of all Maines's waterfowlers hunt in Merrymeeting Bay. The area is in proximity to the urban population of Portland.)Historic-(The Kennebec River segment includes Richmond, an old ship building village which has more Greek Revival homes than any other town in Maine, as well as several buildings on the National Historic Register. The Androscoggin River segment is adjacent to Brunswick which contains a 19th century National Historic District. The Kennebec River segment is adjacent to Bath which contains a 19th century National Historic District. In the late 19th century tidewater ice from the Kennebec River was known as "white gold"" and was famous throughout the country and shipped as far as the West Indies.)" Fish, Historic, Recreational, Wildlife, Other Lower Kennebec 1982
Ellis River Oxford From headwaters at Ellis Pond to confluence with the Androscoggin River. 23 Hydrologic-(A sparsely developed high order river. Segments include the Lovejoy Bridge and the Sunday River Bridge. Both are National Historic Register Sites.) Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish, Other Lower Androscoggin 1982
Fish River Aroostook From headwaters at Mud Pond downstream to Fort Kent mills omitting Fish River Lake, Portage Lake, Saint Froid Lake, and Eagle Lake. 45 Hydrologic-(A regionally unique combination of undeveloped free-flowing river and 5 large naturally occurring lakes, two of which are within the upper third of the area.) Scenic-(A wide variety of and diversity of views related to the steep topography, diversity of channel pattern and lake configurations.) Recreation-(Segment includes two areas of Class 4 rapids.) Recreational, Scenic, Other Fish 1982
Hoyt Brook Penobscot From headwaters to confluence with Penobscot River. 15 Geologic-(Segment includes a unique variety and distribution of significant islands, including Orson Island, Sugar Island, And Olamon Island.) Hydrologic-(A high order relatively undeveloped river.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Katahdin Stream Oxford From headwaters to confluence with the West Branch of the Penobscot River. 9 Scenic-(Segment includes a spectacular, narrow, impassible gorge and regionally unique views to Mt. Katahdin, a rare open low mountain area.) Recreational, Scenic West Branch Penobscot 1982
Kennebec River Somerset From Harris Dam to Wyman Lake. 29 Hydrologic-(Grand Falls is a regionally unique high flow falls.) Scenic-(An unusually high diversity of views due to variations in land forms, topography and water features.) Recreation-(Extremely high diversity of stream gradients, including approximately 20% of which is class IV gradient.) Recreational, Scenic, Other Upper Kennebec 1982
Kennebec River Somerset From solon to Madison 14 Historic-(Segment was a portion of the route of Benedict Arnold's abortive invasion of Canada in 1775. Arnold's Trail to Quebec is a National Historic Register Site.) Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish, Scenic Upper Kennebec 1982
Kennebec River Sagadahoc Merrymeeting Bay to Bath. 6 Fish-(Segments are historic Atlantic Salmon fisheries. The Eastern, Cathance and Abagadasset Rivers are the only rivers in Maine where Atlantic sturgeon annually run. Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species, are found in the Kennebec River. The State of Maine has identified the Kennebec River as having the best potential for an anadromous fishery of any river in Maine.) Wildlife-(The Bay has the largest spring concentration of Canada geese in Maine. Segments are a portion of the northernmost stop-over on the Atlantic flyway in the U.S. Bald Eagles nest near Sivan Island on the Kennebec River.) Botanic-(Segments comprise one of the few areas in Maine that supports significant occurrences of wild rice.) Hydrologic-(Segments are integral parts of the largest freshwater tidal bay on the eastern seaboard north of Chesapeake Bay. The Kennebec and Androscoggin River segments are the downstream portions of the second and third largest rivers in Maine.) Recreation-(The Eastern, Abagadasset and Cathance River segments host large members of winter smelt, which are popular for ice-fishing. About 36% of all Maines's waterfowlers hunt in Merrymeeting Bay. The area is in proximity to the urban population of Portland.)Historic-(The Kennebec River segment includes Richmond, an old ship building village which has more Greek Revival homes than any other town in Maine, as well as several buildings on the National Historic Register. The Androscoggin River segment is adjacent to Brunswick which contains a 19th century National Historic District. The Kennebec River segment is adjacent to Bath which contains a 19th century National Historic District. In the late 19th century tidewater ice from the Kennebec River was known as "white gold"" and was famous throughout the country and shipped as far as the West Indies.)" Fish, Historic, Recreational, Wildlife, Other Upper Kennebec 1982
Kennebec River Sagadahoc Bath to Bay Point 13 Geologic-(Mouth of river is typical portion of a nationally unique coastline.) Botanic-(Regionally rare areas of tidal marsh are present.) Historic-(Numerous National Historic Register Sites at Bath and at Popham Beach.) Scenic-(Diverse juxtaposition and combination of land, water and vegetational elements.) Geologic, Historic, Scenic, Other Upper Kennebec 1982
Kennebec River Lincoln, Sagadahoc South Bardiner to Merrymeeting Bay. 14 Fish-(Segments are historic Atlantic Salmon fisheries. The Eastern, Cathance and Abagadasset Rivers are the only rivers in Maine where Atlantic sturgeon annually run. Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species, are found in the Kennebec River. The State of Maine has identified the Kennebec River as having the best potential for an anadromous fishery of any river in Maine.) Wildlife-(The Bay has the largest spring concentration of Canada geese in Maine. Segments are a portion of the northernmost stop-over on the Atlantic flyway in the U.S. Bald Eagles nest near Sivan Island on the Kennebec River.) Botanic-(Segments comprise one of the few areas in Maine that supports significant occurrences of wild rice.) Hydrologic-(Segments are integral parts of the largest freshwater tidal bay on the eastern seaboard north of Chesapeake Bay. The Kennebec and Androscoggin River segments are the downstream portions of the second and third largest rivers in Maine.) Recreation-(The Eastern, Abagadasset and Cathance River segments host large members of winter smelt, which are popular for ice-fishing. About 36% of all Maines's waterfowlers hunt in Merrymeeting Bay. The area is in proximity to the urban population of Portland.)Historic-(The Kennebec River segment includes Richmond, an old ship building village which has more Greek Revival homes than any other town in Maine, as well as several buildings on the National Historic Register. The Androscoggin River segment is adjacent to Brunswick which contains a 19th century National Historic District. The Kennebec River segment is adjacent to Bath which contains a 19th century National Historic District. In the late 19th century tidewater ice from the Kennebec River was known as "white gold"" and was famous throughout the country and shipped as far as the West Indies.)" Fish, Historic, Recreational, Wildlife, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Kibby Stream Franklin, Somerset From headwaters to confluence with Spencer Stream. 16 Hydrologic-(Grand Falls is a regionally unique high flow falls.) Scenic-(An unusually high diversity of views due to variations in land forms, topography and water features.) Recreation-(Extremely high diversity of stream gradients, including approximately 20% of which is class IV gradient.) Recreational, Scenic, Other Dead 1982
Little Black River Aroostook From headwaters to confluence with St. John River. 29 Wild-(System includes two of the 10 least developed, low order rivers within entire northeast region.) Other Big Black River-Saint John River 1982
Little Cold Stream Penobscot Headwaters to mouth at Cold Stream. 4 Geologic-(A prominent horseback ridge.) Botanic-(A huge expanse of heath and marsh land which supports a variety of plant and animal habitats. Nearly 100% of the corridor possesses significant amounts of wetland and/or water features, the extent and distribution of which is unique to the section.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Machias River Aroostook Big Machias Lake to confluence with Aroostook River. 33 Geologic-(Unique gorge near Carry Brook.) Wild-(One of the least developed rivers in the entire northeast region.) Geologic, Other Aroostook 1982
Machias River Washington Third Machias Lake to Whitneyville Reservoir. 46 Geologic-(Formations, the result of glaciation, unique to the eastern coast.) Fish-(A regionally and nationally significant Atlantic Salmon and other anadromous habitat.) Fish, Wildlife Aroostook 1982
Macwahoc Stream Aroostook From headwaters at Macwahoc Lake to confluence with Molunkus Stream. 25 Wild-(Corridor and surrounding watersheds are essentially undeveloped.) Other Mattawamkeag 1982
Marsh River Lincoln From confluence with Sheepscot River to confluence with Deer Meadow Brook. 3 Fish-(The northernmost natural population of the American Oyster in the U.S. and the only significant oyster bed entirely within Maine waters. The southernmost well established Atlantic Salmon run in the region.) Historic-(National Historic Registries present in Alna.) Hydrologic-(Reversible falls below Village of Sheepscot.) Recreation-(Diverse range of gradients and water environments.) Scenic-(Extremely diverse juxtaposition and combination of land, water and vegetational elements.) Fish, Historic, Recreational, Scenic, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Mattawamkeag River Penobscot, Aroostook From Haynesville Mattawamkeag. 49 Wild-(Corridor and surrounding watersheds are essentially undeveloped.) Other Mattawamkeag 1982
Molunkus Stream Aroostook, Penobscot From confluence with Macwahoc Stream to confluence with Mattawamkeag River. 10 Wild-(Corridor and surrounding watersheds are essentially undeveloped.) Other Mattawamkeag 1982
Moose River Franklin, Somerset Candian border to Attean Pond. 44 Botanic-Regionally unique predominance of extensive wetlands. Geologic-Regionally unique Holeb Falls. Wild-Within an extremely undeveloped corridor and watershed, the topography of which makes the area inaccessible. Recreation-Segment includes regionally significant recreation, such as the Bow Trip, which provides a 24-mile circuit canoe and camping trip Geologic, Recreational, Other Upper Kennebec 1982/ 1995
Mosquito Brook Aroostook From headwaters to confluence with the Fish River. 9 Hydrologic-(A regionally unique combination of undeveloped free-flowing river and 5 large naturally occurring lakes, two of which are within the upper third of the area.) Scenic-(A wide variety of and diversity of views related to the steep topography, diversity of channel pattern and lake configurations.) Recreation-(Segment includes two areas of Class 4 rapids.) Recreational, Scenic, Other Fish 1982
Muddy River Sagadahoc From headwaters to Merrymeeting Bay. 4 Fish-(Segments are historic Atlantic Salmon fisheries. The Eastern, Cathance and Abagadasset Rivers are the only rivers in Maine where Atlantic sturgeon annually run. Shortnose sturgeon, an endangered species, are found in the Kennebec River. The State of Maine has identified the Kennebec River as having the best potential for an anadromous fishery of any river in Maine.) Wildlife-(The Bay has the largest spring concentration of Canada geese in Maine. Segments are a portion of the northernmost stop-over on the Atlantic flyway in the U.S. Bald Eagles nest near Sivan Island on the Kennebec River.) Botanic-(Segments comprise one of the few areas in Maine that supports significant occurrences of wild rice.) Hydrologic-(Segments are integral parts of the largest freshwater tidal bay on the eastern seaboard north of Chesapeake Bay. The Kennebec and Androscoggin River segments are the downstream portions of the second and third largest rivers in Maine.) Recreation-(The Eastern, Abagadasset and Cathance River segments host large members of winter smelt, which are popular for ice-fishing. About 36% of all Maines's waterfowlers hunt in Merrymeeting Bay. The area is in proximity to the urban population of Portland.)Historic-(The Kennebec River segment includes Richmond, an old ship building village which has more Greek Revival homes than any other town in Maine, as well as several buildings on the National Historic Register. The Androscoggin River segment is adjacent to Brunswick which contains a 19th century National Historic District. The Kennebec River segment is adjacent to Bath which contains a 19th century National Historic District. In the late 19th century tidewater ice from the Kennebec River was known as "white gold"" and was famous throughout the country and shipped as far as the West Indies.)" Fish, Historic, Recreational, Wildlife, Other Lower Androscoggin 1982
Narraguaus River Washington, Hancock From headwaters to Milbridge. 53 Geologic-(Formations, the result of glaciation and unique to the eastern coast.) Botanic-(Blueberry barrens within corridor are unique to eastern region). Geologic, Other Maine Coastal 1982
Nezinscot River, East Branch Oxford Headwaters to Buckfield. 19 Scenic-(Diverse juxtapositon and combination of land, water and vegetation elements. High range and variety of views.) Geologic-(Excellent example of an undeveloped, open, low mountain, low order river.) Geologic, Scenic Lower Androscoggin 1982
Ossipee River Oxford, York From Kezar Falls to confluence with the Saco River. 7 Recreation-(Regionally popular river canoeable throughout the entire recreation season. Easily accessible.) Recreational Saco 1982
Passadumkeag River Penobscot, Hancock From headwaters to Passadumkeag. 47 Geologic-(A prominent horseback ridge.) Botanic-(A huge expanse of heath and marsh land which supports a variety of plant and animal habitats. Nearly 100% of the corridor possesses significant amounts of wetland and/or water features, the extent and distribution of which is unique to the section.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Penobscot River Penobscot From Passadunkeag to Socks Island. 18 Geologic-(Segment includes a unique variety and distribution of significant islands, including Orson Island, Sugar Island, And Olamon Island.) Hydrologic-(A high order relatively undeveloped river.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Penobscot River, West Branch Oxford From Ripogenus Dam to Ambajejus Lake. 22 Scenic-(Segment includes a spectacular, narrow, impassible gorge and regionally unique views to Mt. Katahdin, a rare open low mountain area.) Recreational, Scenic West Branch Penobscot 1982
Piscataquis River Penobscot, Piscataquis East of Dover Foxcroft to confluence with the Penobscot River. 40 Fish-(Segment is currently being restored as an Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish Piscataquis 1982
Piscataquis River Penobscot, Piscataquis From Guilford to west of Dover Foxcroft. 8 Historic-(Segment includes Low's Bridge, a National Historic Register Site.) Fish-(Segment is currently being restored as an Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Recreation-(Recognized as a significant sport fishing river.) Fish, Historic, Recreational Piscataquis 1982
Pleasant River Washington Columbia Falls to Seavy Point. 11 Historic-(Segment flows through Columbia Falls, which is located on 3 National Historic Register Sites.) Ecologic-(Segment flows through a region remarkable for its diversity of ecosystems. Representative and unique areas include a bird island, broadworm and clam flats, extensive salt marshes, eelgrass bottoms, kelp beds, rocky sea frontage and numerous beaches.) Fish-(Segment is one of 6 regionally unique current Atlantic Salmon fisheries.) Fish, Historic, Other Maine Coastal 1982
Pleasant River Washington Pleasant River Lake to Columbia Falls. 33 Fish-(Location of significant runs of Atlantic salmon and other anadromous fish.) Botanic-(Segment includes the Great Heath which is possibly the largest open heath in the northeast. The area, which is over 6,000 acres in size, has flora generally similar to that found in subarctic regions and occurs in a depression made by a glacial tongue.) Fish, Other Maine Coastal 1982
Pollard Brook Penobscot From headwaters to confluence with Penobscot River. 3 Geologic-(Segment includes a unique variety and distribution of significant islands, including Orson Island, Sugar Island, And Olamon Island.) Hydrologic-(A high order relatively undeveloped river.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Saco River Oxford Fryeburg to East Hiram. 37 Recreation-(Highly used recreational river canoeable throughout the entire year.) Hydrologic-(Unique undeveloped high order river.) Scenic-(Unique and diverse juxtaposition and combination of land, water and vegetation elements.) Botanic-(Vast area of wetlands and forest wetlands adjacent to river.) Geologic-(One of the most significant examples of a meandering river channel in the region.) Recreational, Scenic, Other Saco 1982
Saco River Cumberland, York Great Falls to Steep Falls. 13 Recreation-(Regionally popular river canoeable throughout the entire recreation season. Easily accessible.) Recreational Saco 1982
Schoodic Brook Washington, Hancock From Route 193 to confluence with Narraguaus River. 2 Geologic-(Formations, the result of glaciation and unique to the eastern coast.) Botanic-(Blueberry barrens within corridor are unique to eastern region). Geologic, Other Maine Coastal 1982
Seboeis River Penobscot Snoeshoe Lake to East Branch Penobscot. 28 Wild-(One of the least developed rivers in the entire northeast region.) Geologic-(A regionally significant waterfall at Grand Pitch.) Geologic, Other East Branch Penobscot 1982
Sheepscot River Lincoln, Waldo From headwaters to north of Wiscasset. 48 Fish-(The northernmost natural population of the American Oyster in the U.S. and the only significant oyster bed entirely within Maine waters. The southernmost well established Atlantic Salmon run in the region.) Historic-(National Historic Registries present in Alna.) Hydrologic-(Reversible falls below Village of Sheepscot.) Recreation-(Diverse range of gradients and water environments.) Scenic-(Extremely diverse juxtaposition and combination of land, water and vegetational elements.) Fish, Historic, Recreational, Scenic, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Sheepscot River Sagadahoc, Lincoln Fort Edgecomb to Isle of Springs 11 Fish-(Segment is one of 6 regionally unique current Atlantic Salmon fisheries.) Fish St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Sheepscot River, West Branch Lincoln Southwest of Windsorville to Confluence with Sheepscot River. 6 Fish-(The northernmost natural population of the American Oyster in the U.S. and the only significant oyster bed entirely within Maine waters. The southernmost well established Atlantic Salmon run in the region.) Historic-(National Historic Registries present in Alna.) Hydrologic-(Reversible falls below Village of Sheepscot.) Recreation-(Diverse range of gradients and water environments.) Scenic-(Extremely diverse juxtaposition and combination of land, water and vegetational elements.) Fish, Historic, Recreational, Scenic, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
Spencer Stream Franklin, Somerset From confluence with Kibby Stream to confluence with Dead River 14 Hydrologic-(Grand Falls is a regionally unique high flow falls.) Scenic-(An unusually high diversity of views due to variations in land forms, topography and water features.) Recreation-(Extremely high diversity of stream gradients, including approximately 20% of which is class IV gradient.) Recreational, Scenic, Other Dead 1982
St. Croix River Washington Vanceboro to Grand Falls flowage (Grand Falls Lake) 32 Wildlife-(Identified winter habitat for the Bald Eagle.) Hydrologic-(Unique largely undeveloped high order river.) Wildlife, Other St. Croix 1982
St. George River Walso From confluence with Dead River to Sennebec Pond. 17 Botanic-(Segment flows through the 451 acre Appleton Bog, which contains 230 acres of virgin Atlantic White Cedar. This stand is the northern and eastern most extensive growth of that species. Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish, Other St. George-Sheepscot 1982
St. John River Aroostook Dickey to confluence with Southwest Branch Saint John River 74 Botanic-(Rare and endangered Furbist Lousewort present.) Wild-(Largest and longest least developed rivers in one of the largest, least accessible and most primitive geographic units east of the Mississippi River.) Other Big Black River-Saint John River 1982
St. John River, Southwest Branch Somerset From Little St. John Lake to confluence with St. John River. 62 Wild-(Within largest, least accessible and most primitive geographical units east of the Mississippi River.) Other Big Black River-Saint John River 1982
Stillwater River Penobscot Socks Island to Stillwater. 9 Geologic-(Segment includes a unique variety and distribution of significant islands, including Orson Island, Sugar Island, And Olamon Island.) Hydrologic-(A high order relatively undeveloped river.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Sunday River Oxford From headwaters to confluence with the Androscoggin River. 14 Hydrologic-(A sparsely developed high order river. Segments include the Lovejoy Bridge and the Sunday River Bridge. Both are National Historic Register Sites.) Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish, Other Lower Androscoggin 1982
Sunkhaze Stream Penobscot From headwaters to confluence with Penobscot River. 27 Geologic-(Segment includes a unique variety and distribution of significant islands, including Orson Island, Sugar Island, And Olamon Island.) Hydrologic-(A high order relatively undeveloped river.) Geologic, Other Lower Penobscot 1982
Union River, West Branch Hancock Great Pond to route 181 bridge. 17 Fish-(Segment is an historic Atlantic Salmon fishery.) Fish Maine Coastal 1982

Last updated: November 30, 2016