Organizations Involved with IK and TEK

Ecological Society of America--has a TEK Section. The purpose of this Section is to: (1) promote the understanding, dissemination and respectful use of TEK in ecological research, application and education;(2) to encourage education in TEK (3);to stimulate research which incorporates the TEK and participation of indigenous people and;(4) to increase participation by indigenous people in the Ecological Society of America (see

IPinCH (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage: Theory, Practice, Policy, Ethics)--The mailing address is: Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage Project, Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada

National Congress of American Indians, Policy Research Center-- The address is: Embassy of Tribal Nations, 1516 P Street NW, Washington, DC 20005, Phone: (202) 466-7767, Fax: (202) 466-7797

Native American Fish and Wildlife Society--has included TEK sessions at its national conferences and some regional conferences since 2010. In addition, it includes TEK information on its website

North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center--has a Traditional Ecological Knowledge site:

Seeds of Native Health – has a joint project that advocates for the inclusion of Indian Country issues in the Farm Bill, one of the largest non-defense legislative bills in the country. Adding TEK-based methods in natural resource conservation is an example of their goals.

United Nations-- Use the search key for "traditional knowledge."

Wildlife Society--has a Native Peoples' Wildlife Management Working Group, which promotes improved relationships between state/provincial/federal wildlife managers and tribal wildlife managers through improved communications. The Working Group provides a forum for tribal and agency wildlife professionals to discuss wildlife management on reservations and aboriginal lands and to share viewpoints on proposed policies affecting wildlife management on those lands. The Working Group also works to enhance wildlife management on and off reservations through joint activities (see

World Conservation Congress-- Use the search key for "traditional knowledge."

World Intellectual Property Organization--has a newsletter with shares information about the developments around the world: 34, chemin des Colombettes, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland;

Last updated: May 8, 2024