Learn More

The Learn More page provides additional information relating to a wide range of topics associated with the dams and water projects featured in the itinerary. The resources are organized by state as they appear in the List of Sites. Bureau of Reclamation sites are listed first, followed by recreation information sites and finally local and state tourism sites.

You can find additional information on the Bureau of Reclamation website.

By clicking on these links, you can go directly to a particular section:


Bartlett Dam

Crosscut Powerplant

Hoover Dam

Laguna Dam

Parker Dam

Roosevelt Dam and Powerplant


Shasta Dam

Gunnison Tunnel


Arrowrock Dam

Boise River Diversion Powerplant

Minidoka Dam

Minidoka Powerplant


Gibson Dam

Hungry Horse Dam

Nevada New Mexico

Avalon Dam

Elephant Butte Dam

Elephant Butte Powerplant

Leasburg Diversion Dam

Percha Diversion Dam


Owyhee Dam

South Dakota Washington

Grand Coulee Dam

Tieton Dam


Buffalo Bill Dam

Glendo Dam

Guernsey Dam

Pathfinder Dam

Shoshone Powerplant

Last updated: June 15, 2016


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