News Release

Network to Freedom 25th anniversary Press Release

Bill clinton signing NTF act

Bill Clinton Presidential Library

News Release Date: July 20, 2023


CHURCH CREEK, Md. – July 21, 2023 – The National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom will celebrate its 25th anniversary, marking a quarter-century of honoring and preserving the significant history of the Underground Railroad. Administered by the US National Park Service, the Network to Freedom recognizes over 700 confirmed Underground Railroad and self-liberation sites, programs, and facilities across the nation. This milestone event commemorates the courageous efforts of freedom seekers and their allies who fought for self-determination and freedom from oppression. 

The Network to Freedom will celebrate its Silver Jubilee with an event on July 21, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center in Church Creek, Maryland. 

The event will feature esteemed speakers who have played pivotal roles in the establishment and growth of the Network to Freedom. Former Director of the National Park Service, Robert Stanton, will serve as the keynote speaker, sharing his insights and experiences. A panel will also convene to discuss the establishment and significance of the Network to Freedom. The panelists include Addie Richburg, Executive Director of the 400 Years of African American History Commission, renowned historic archeologist Dr. Cheryl LaRoche, and Robert Stanton. 

Shelly C. Lowe (Navajo), Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, will provide valuable perspectives on future collaborations with Claiming Freedom—a Network to Freedom project dedicated to advancing narratives of historically marginalized communities in the context of the American Revolution. 

A highlight of the event will be the screening of a special video that commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Network to Freedom. This video features interviews with prominent individuals who have contributed to its success. Among those interviewed are: 

- Robert Stanton 

- Phil "Pompey" Fixico 

- Liz Fitzsimmons 

- Marci Ross 

- Maya Davis 

- Cheryl LaRoche 

- Chris Meinhardt 


This Silver Jubilee celebration is an opportunity to honor the invaluable contributions of freedom seekers and their allies, while reflecting on the importance of self-determination and the fight against oppression. Scholars, historians, community leaders, and individuals from diverse backgrounds will gather to pay tribute to the legacy of the Underground Railroad. 

July 21 holds particular significance as it marks the 25th anniversary of President Bill Clinton signing the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Act into law. This transformative legislation provided the foundation for recognizing and preserving the history and legacy of the Underground Railroad. 

Join us on July 21, 2023, at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center in Church Creek, Maryland, as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom. Together, let us commemorate the courage and resilience of those who fought for freedom, and reaffirm our commitment to fostering a just and inclusive society. If you are unable to attend, follow the url to livestream the celebration:  


About the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom: 

The National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom, administered by the US National Park Service, is dedicated to preserving, recognizing, and interpreting the history of nearly 700 confirmed Underground Railroad and self-liberation sites across the United States. It seeks to increase awareness and understanding of the Underground Railroad's significant role in American history, and the courageous efforts of freedom seekers and their allies in the fight for self-determination and freedom from oppression. 

Last updated: July 21, 2023