Other Education Materials

Write Out 2024

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts
Common Core Standards:
3.L.1.i, 3.L.5

Create Poetry About Local National Parks

To celebrate 2024 Write Out, El Malpais and El Morro National Monuments are calling for classes to spend some time thinking about our local national parks and create poetry about what inspires students. 


National Parks protect areas of natural and historical value. These important places have been inspiring art and the imagination for decades. If students are unfamiliar with El Malpais or El Morro National Monuments, show them photos of parks. Bring students outside to connect with nature. Share the prompts and allow students to create poetry about either park. 
Pictures for El Malpais
Pictures for El Morro

El Malpais and El Morro will be collecting student poetry for display in the visitor centers October 13- 31. Student poetry exhibits will be available to visit throughout November 2024. 

Mail student poetry to: 
Education Specialist
123 East Roosevelt Ave
Grants, NM 87020

Types of poems and prompts:

These are to inspire students and springboard ideas. Students are not limited to these prompts. 


Create an acrostic poem for El Malpais or El Morro. Students may also choose relevant words such as: lava, volcano, cave, bat, stone, pool, trail, desert, cactus, sky, etc..


A Limerick is a 5 line poem with an AABBA rhyne scheme. Limericks are generally silly. 


Haiku is a type of Japanese poem that consists of three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7 syllables, and the third has 5 syllables. 

Six Word Story

Write a story about the park using only 6 words.

Wonders of Wildlife

Create a poem about an animal in the park. Examples: frog, mountain lion, bat, lizard, raven, rabbit, etc.. 

Necessity of Water

Water is a vaulable resouce for the desert. The pool at El Morro was, historically, the only reliable water for miles for weary travelers. Create a poem from the perspective of a traveler in the desert finding water and refuge at El Morro. 

Dark, Dark Caves

El Malpais is home to hundreds of lava caves. These caves provide habitat for a viariety of plants and animals. These caves are cool and mosit which allow for refuge from the harsh desert. The caves are also dark, mystrious, and potentially dangerous. Create a poem about a creature exploring a dark, magical, spooky, cave. 


Additional Information: 

Poetry in Parks
National Writing Project: Write Out
You Are Here: Poetry in Parks




Last updated: October 4, 2024