Thing to Do

Hike Gorham Mountain Loop

Acadia National Park

view of two mountains in the distance from the summit of another mountain

Acadia National Park

view of two mountains in the distance
View of Cadillac and Dorr Mountains from the summit of Gorham Mountain.

NPS/ Patrick Kark

trail profile
Gorham Mountain Loop trail profile

Trail Safety Tips

  • Check trail elevation profile or topographic map before hiking.
  • Bring a map, water, snacks, compass, and extra layers for unpredictable changes in weather.
  • Reduce the chance of picking up ticks by staying in the center of the trail, and not stepping on soils and away from brush.
  • Always do a tick check after visiting the park.
  • Closed-toe, good traction shoes recommended because most trail surfaces are very unlevel.

Last updated: August 29, 2022