Commercial Use Authorizations

What is a Commercial Use Authorization?

A Commercial Use Authorizations (CUA) allows for an individual, group, organization, or other entity to conduct commercial activities and provide visitor services within National Park boundaries. CUAs are only issued for commercial activities and visitor services that:

  • are determined to be an appropriate use of the park,

  • will have minimal impact on park resources and values, and

  • are consistent with the park purpose, management plans, policies, and regulations.

Individuals, groups, and entities conducting commercial activities and services must pay fees to hold a valid CUA.



What Activities and Services require a CUA?

A CUA is required for any goods, activities, services, agreements, or other functions for visitors, members, clients, or the public that:

  • Use park resources (e.g. the river)

  • Take place at least in part on lands managed by the National Park Service

  • Result in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit


  • Commercial transportation/guides and those who own, lease, charter their own vehicles for guided trips

  • Person(s), organization, or group that arranges for the transportation and/or guide services

  • Guided trips or services for canoeing, rafting, kayaking, tubing, fishing, etc. for the public

  • Scuba diving schools, tours, or photography workshops

  • Children’s camps that own and use their own watercraft for river trips

No commercial activities may be conducted within Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River’s boundaries without a valid CUA.

If you are fishing on the Delaware River, please review our Fishing and Fishing License pages.
If you are a fishing guide looking to do business on the Upper Delaware River, please review our Fishing Guide Frequently Asked Questions page.


Contact Information

If you have any questions about CUAs, permits, or the permitting process, please contact the park Permit Coordinator.

Permit Coordinator
Upper Delaware S&RR
Beach Lake, PA 18405
(570) 729 - 7134


  • Zoomed out photo of two men standing in shallow part of river next to boat, holding fishing rods.
    FAQs for Fishing Guide CUA Holders

    Learn more about what to do if you're a fishing guide looking to do business within Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.

  • Brown national park information kiosk on wheels. One staff stands in kiosk looking out window.
    Special Use Permits

    Certain activities require a Special Use Permit instead of a CUA. Learn more about what activities require permits at Upper Delaware SRR.

  • low angle view of canoe with green shell, white interior. Text on side reads
    Superintendent's Compendium

    Check out a detailed list of what activities are permitted in the Superintendent’s Compendium.

Last updated: July 5, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

274 River Road
Beach Lake, PA 18405


570 685-4871

Contact Us