I'm a Park Ranger Comic

double-page comic spread of female park ranger telling about her experience as a ranger. Full description available on rest of webpage.
The original double-page comic spread that was published in Scholastic's Choices May 2024 magazine issue.

Written by: Susanna Kaspar / NPS, as told by Ellen Song / Scholastic
Illustrations by: Rafael Alvarez / Scholastic

Who says Park Rangers can't also be superheroes?
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River was delighted to work with Scholastic to develop this comic for the May 2024 issue of their Choices magazine. The short comic features our very own park ranger, Susanna "Susie" Kaspar, who has been working for the National Park Service for over ten years.
This comic was produced and developed by Scholastic, was written by Ellen Song with help from Susanna Kaspar, and was illustrated by Rafael Alvarez.

Full Alternative Text Description

Overall Description

A colorful children's comic over a 2-page magazine spread. At the top of the larger spread is a banner with the title of the comic "I'm a Park Ranger" in large text. Underneath the banner, text and panels are arranged against a white background. There are 5 total comic panels, an introductory text section on page 1, and an additional text box on page 1.

On page 1, underneath the title banner, a vertical column of text is on the left. This is text provides an introduction to Susanna Kaspar and the comic. To the right of this introductory text is the first comic panel. It is a rectangular shape, taller than it is wide, with a yellow text box at the top and the comic picture below. This first panel is larger the the subsequent panels, taking up two-thirds of the vertical space of page 1. On page 1, below the introductory text and the first comic panel, there is a horizontal text box spanning most of the bottom edge of page 1. It is titled "Susanna's Tips for Becoming a Park Ranger."

On page 2, the page has four comic panels, arranged in two rows of two panels each. These panels are each about two-thirds the height of the first comic panel on page 1 but are otherwise similar in general appearance and formatting. The only main difference being the text and cartoon in each comic panel differs from each other.


Page 1 - Title and Introductory Section


Page 1 - Comic Panel 1


Page 1 - Text Box: Susanna's Tips for Becoming a Park Ranger


Page 2 - Comic Panel 2


Page 2 - Comic Panel 3


Page 2 - Comic Panel 4


Page 2 - Comic Panel 5


Background and Margins

Last updated: May 9, 2024

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