American Pika

A small pika with green leaves hanging out of its mouth.
A pika perched on a rock with green leaves in its mouth.

NPS/Sally King


Pika live in rocky alpine environments in the highest elevations of Valles Caldera. They are considered an indicator species for detecting ecological effects of climate change. In response to increased climate warming, suitable habitat is shrinking, causing pika populations to decline in some areas. In other areas, their distribution is gradually creeping to higher elevations over time and generations.

While the recent US Fish and Wildlife Service review of the pika found no current need to list the species as threatened or endangered, pikas will likely disappear from vulnerable areas at the lower end of their elevation range.

A black pika track on a white background.
Pika tracks.


  • Found on talus slopes, boulder fields, and rock falls at high elevations - usually above treeline.
  • Eat plant foods such as grasses, sedges, aspen, lichen, and conifer twigs.
  • Predators include coyotes, martens, and hawks.

Management Concern

Pika are vulnerable to loss of habitat related to climate change.

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2 minutes, 13 seconds

Have you ever heard a pika's call ("EEP! EEP!") while exploring Valles Caldera's lava domes? Learn about this tiny but mighty mountain critter in this Caldera Chat with Ranger Sierra!



Pikas are territorial. They inhabit rocky alpine and sub-alpine zones feeding on the vegetation that fringes their preferred talus slopes. Because pikas do not hibernate, this relative of the rabbit must gather enough plant materials during the short growing season to survive the winter. Piles of drying vegetation, called haystacks, and a distinctive high-pitched call are the most recognizable indicators of active pika habitat. Prolific breeders, pikas usually have two litters of young each summer. The mortality rate is high for the youngsters and the first litter has a greater rate of survival. These small mammals are sensitive to temperatures above 77.9°F (25.5°C); therefore, they are most active during cooler parts of the day.


The National Park Service stewards pika populations in more than a dozen parks and seeks to understand the vulnerability of pikas and other mountain species to climate change. Pikas in Peril, funded in 2010, was a collaborative research program directed by scientists from the National Park Service, Oregon State University, University of Idaho, and University of Colorado-Boulder.


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    Last updated: March 4, 2024

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