State of the Park

VOYA_Aerial_Autumn_Old Dutch Bay looking toward Sullivan Bay
Aerial view of Namakan Lake, Voyageurs National Park


Voyageurs National Park staff have created a variety of documents that share the park's current work and future planning efforts.

Take a look at any one of the links below to find out more about what's happening in the park.

Voyageurs National Park Five-Year Priorities 2018 to 2022 (PDF)

Voyageurs Foundation Document

Voyageurs General Managment Plan

National Park Service Natural Resource Condition Assessment Voyageurs National Park

National Park Service Deferred Maintenance Reports

Crane Like Visitor Center

Community Newsletters

May 2024 Community Check-in Highlights:

In May the superintendent opened the 30-day public scoping period related to the park’s Frozen Lake Use Plan, traveled to Crane Lake for a walkthrough of the visitor center construction, held a bi-annual Voyageurs Affairs meeting with elected officials, and attended the International Falls Convention and Visitor Bureau monthly meeting and annual resort/hotel operator meeting.
May 2024 Community Check-In

April 2024 Community Check-in Highlights:

This month, the superintendent attended a Zone meeting with superintendents from MN, WI, IA, and northern MI. He also met with the Voyageurs Conservancy’s Executive Director to prepare for their annual Spring Thaw fundraiser, which he attended in Minneapolis on April 25.
April 2024 Community Check-In

March 2024 Community Check-in Highlights:

This month, the superintendent attended the Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Forum and scheduled some much-needed annual leave. He has been busy reviewing applicants to fill the Lead of Interpretation position and developing communication related to the upcoming scoping of the Frozen Lake Plan which will be held in June.
March 2024 Community Check-In

February 2024 Community Check-in Highlights:

This month, the superintendent attended Frozen Lake Plan and Border Park Zone meetings, and met with one of the park’s partners, the Jefferson National Parks Association. He also traveled to Grand Portage, MN mid-month to attend the Heart of the Continent Partnership meeting. He has been busy reviewing applicants to fill the Lead of Interpretation position and developing communication related to the upcoming scoping of the Frozen Lake Plan which will be held in June.
February 2024 Community Check-In

January 2024 Community Check-in Highlights:

The superintendent started the new year by hosting a meeting at the park headquarters building regarding Commercial Use Authorizations (CUAs) and attending several meetings across the state, including a town board meeting at Crane Lake, the Voyageurs Clean Waters project meeting in Cook, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources annual round table meeting in the cities. He also presented next steps of the Kettle Falls electric line replacement plan to the regional Infrastructure Review Board (IRB) and attended a Voyageurs Conservancy board meeting near the end of the month.
January 2024 Community Check-In

December 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

During December the superintendent attended the Minnesota Incident Command System annual meeting in Duluth, and traveled to St. Louis, MO to attend the board meeting of the Jefferson National Parks Association, which is the park’s official cooperative association that manages the sales and merchandise in our visitor center gift shops and enables us to sell educational materials about Voyageurs National Park history, culture, and resources.
The superintendent also went on a walk-through of the Crane Lake Visitor Center facility, attended several meetings related to the Kettle Falls electric line project, and hosted the fall Voyageurs Affairs meeting, which is a bi-annual gathering with representatives from various elected officials associated with the park.
December Community Check-In

November 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

Happy Holiday Season to everyone. The park continues shoulder season operations through the month of November with staff working on putting boats away and getting snowmobiles, groomers, and other winter trail equipment ready for the upcoming winter season. It tends to be a quiet time of year in the park with many taking leave for Thanksgiving and the hunting season.

This month, the superintendent attended several general meetings related to the Crane Lake Visitor Center, a symposium on wild rice, Kettle Falls concession contract updates, and the National parks and Conservation Association annual meeting in the Twin Cities.
November Community Check-In

October 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

This month, the superintendent attended several general meetings related to Crane Lake Visitor Center leasing, a future project to repave several park roads, the Rainy Lake Developed Area plan, and Frozen Lake Plan alternatives. The park also distributed a press release about posting the public comment analysis report on the Frozen Lake Plan. Staff completed walkthrough of the rehabilitation project at the historic Kabetogama boat house project and the superintendent had meeting with the Kettle Falls operators about a temporary contract for operation over the next three years.

October Community Check-In

September 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

During September the park presented to the NPS’ Investment Review Board (IRB) related to future repaving of Ash River and Rainy Roads (this project may be funded in 2025/2026). The superintendent also attended the annual Voyageurs Conservancy onsite board meeting at Crane Lake and the annual Midwest Region (MWR) superintendent’s workshop in St. Paul.
September Community Check-In

August 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

During August the superintendent worked on messaging and modifications related to the Kabetogama boat launch project. The closure was moved from September 11 to the 18th. There were park visits by Senator Smith’s staff, and the NPS’s regional lead for facilities.

August Community Check-In

July 2023 Community Check-in Highlights

July has brought more rain that has helped us move out of fire severity, allowing us to lift campfire restrictions late in the month. This July was the 10th anniversary of the National Parks and Conservation Association, Rainy Lake Sportfishing Club, and Voyageurs collaborating on a Rat Root River restoration project.

July Community Check-in

June 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

June was very dry with severe fire conditions, the park called in a wildland fire engine crew to assist our onsite wildland fire staff with patrolling for fire starts. In coordination with the US Forest Service and the MN Department of Natural Resources, the park implemented a burn restriction that went from 6/13 through 6/30.

June Community Check-in

May 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

It seems that May went from ice to the throws of summer in no time flat. Staff at the park participated in the Kabetogama Lake, Rainy Lake, and Crane Lake Association meetings, and held the annual Houseboat Operators meeting in preparation for the season.

May Community Check-in

April 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

We have been watching weather and water levels closely, in cooperation with other area agencies, for the potential of flooding. Thankfully, with the snow melt and spring precipitation the potential for flooding seems averted. The Frozen Lake Plan preliminary proposal comment period is open until June 3.

April Community Check-in

March 2023 Community Check-in Highlights:

As the 2023 winter season wraps up, we are pleased to report it was a successful month with multiple park users. The final winter Dark Sky full moon hike was held with 29 participants. Both the Kab-Ash and Rainy Lake Ice Roads have closed for the season and with the amazing display of northern lights in March, the ice roads saw a lot of activity. Snowmobile trail stakes will be pulled this week thus trails will be closed due to the warming temperatures. The Maintenance Team was awarded the 2022 Maintenance Facility Team of the Year Award for the Midwest Region.
March Community Check-in

January / February 2023 Community Check-in

We are working on making improvements to the monthly park newsletter in the coming issues and will be continuing to use the monthly newsletter to keep our community in the loop on all things Voyageurs. Visitor and Resource Protection Team created a joint partnership with the Polar Polers Ski Club and a 3-day ski event was co-hosted on February 24 - 26 where more than 100 people participated. The Interpetation, Education, and Reservation team collaborated with six agencies / partners to bring the first annual winter Boreal Stargazing Week to Minnesota. It was held February 19 - 24.
January/Feburary Newsletter

Last updated: June 18, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Voyageurs National Park Headquarters
360 Hwy 11 East

International Falls, MN 56649



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