Group Volunteer Project Request Form Instructions

How to Complete 2024 Group Volunteer Project Request Form

Follow the instructions below to complete a successful project request form. Failure to provide all the information requested can result in lottery delays and removing your application from the applicant pool. Although the form is clearly tailored to an individual volunteer position, please consider your entire group when filling out this form.

For groups who have participated in Yosemite’s Volunteers-in-Parks program in the past, you will notice this year’s request form looks very different than the previous request form. This new form is the official 301 application form used in all NPS sites throughout the country.

The following steps directly correspond to the numbered sections in the project request form. Do not complete sections 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, and 23. The text boxes and checkmarks of those sections have been removed intentionally.

1 - 8. Group leader’s contact information only.

12. In the form of sentences, include:

a. Group size. Ex: Group size is 15.
b. Age(s) of children (anyone under 18) if applicable. Ex: Children in group are between 11 to 15 years of age.
c. Will your group have enough vehicles to transport all group members to worksite? Ex: Group will have enough vehicles to transport group members to worksite.
d. List top six project numbers in order of preference. First number being top choice, and sixth number being last choice. For project numbers, see group catalog. Ex: Group’s project order of preference is 32, 1, 6, 12, 27, and 5.

16. In the form of sentences, include:

a. Group name. Ex: Group name is Yosemite Explorers.
b. Group’s mission/values/reason for volunteering. Ex: Group’s reason for volunteering is to create connection with Yosemite through exploration, reflection, and stewardship.

17. Consider the physical limitations of everyone in the group and if your group is requesting accessibility accommodations. Ex 1: We are a deaf/hard of hearing group, and we are requesting ASL interpreters. Ex 2: Most of our group is of older age and have back problems. We are requesting a project that does not involve bending down. Ex 3: A few in our group use wheelchairs. We are requesting a relatively flat campsite.

20. Select your lodging needs.

a. If you select “I will furnish my own lodging,” your group does not need camping but agrees to all other details.
b. If you select “I will require assistance in finding lodging,” your group will receive a campsite(s).

Last updated: August 8, 2024

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