News Release

Rockfall near Weeping Rock temporarily stops traffic on Zion Canyon Scenic Drive

White dust covers a parking lot in front of a pit toilet building, trees, and towering red rock in the distance.
Dust on the ground at Weeping Rock in Zion National Park after a rockfall on the cliff above. November 14, 2023.

NPS / Ally O'Rullian

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News Release Date: November 14, 2023

Contact: Zion News Desk, (435) 772-0162

SPRINGDALE, Utah – Around 3:40 p.m. on November 14, Zion National Park received a report of rockfall near Weeping Rock. Park rangers immediately responded and encountered a dust cloud on the road. The dust interrupted shuttle bus service until about 5 p.m. Shuttles returned to normal operations thereafter.

“Thankfully, park rangers did not need to treat any injuries,” Jeff Bradybaugh, Zion National Park Superintendent said. “Rockfall can happen at any time in this highly erosive landscape.”

Weeping Rock Shuttle Stop, parking area, and trail will remain closed until further notice while park scientists and maintenance staff assess rock in the area.

Last updated: November 14, 2023

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