News Release

South Campground Prescribed Burns at Zion National Park

Prescribed Burn
Prescribed Burn

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News Release Date: February 10, 2021

Contact: Greg Bartin, 435-772-7847

SPRINGDALE, UT – Fire Management Officials at Zion National Park are planning to implement a small prescribed burn in South Campground, beginning Thursday, February 11, 2021. The South Campground is located near the main entrance of Zion National Park in Springdale. Prescribed fire is an important technique used to reduce excessive vegetation build up on the landscape and reduce the potential for more severe fires. If weather conditions are not favorable, the burn will be postponed until later this winter.

The National Park Service routinely treats fuels in this fashion. The primary objective of this annual prescribed fire project is to reduce the fire hazard in South Campground by burning annual exotic grasses, leaves and other hazardous fuels thus providing safety to park visitors, adjacent landowners, and park staff. The size of the prescribed burn is twenty-six acres.

The anticipated impacts are smoky conditions for short periods and short-term traffic delays are possible in the vicinity of the burn and along the main park road. The lower Pa’rus Trail will be closed on the day of project. Some areas within the burn unit may continue to smolder for a few days, however smoke impacts are expected to be short term. The fire will be monitored by park fire staff until it is declared out.

For information concerning this project or other prescribed burns in Zion National Park call 435-772-7847.

Last updated: February 10, 2021

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1 Zion Park Blvd.

Springdale, UT 84767


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