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Event ID: 6516 Book: Ures B1 Page Number: 37
Event: Baptism Event Date: 07/27/1771 Event Place: Ures
Notes: On July 23, 1771 in this church of San Miguel de Ures, I, the undersigned minister solemnly baptized a baby girl, born the day before, whom I gave the name of María Ana Phelipa, legitimate daughter of Phelipe Anza and his wife Catharina Vildosola. Her godparents were Silvestre Eguea and Xaviera Medina, all Indians of the mission. = Mariano Antonio de Buena y Alcalde En veinte y tres de Julio de mil setecientos setenta y uno en esta Yglesia de San Miguel de Ures, yo el infrascripto ministro baptize solemnamente a una niña nacida el dia antecedente, a quien puse por nombre María Ana Phelipe, hija legitima de Phelipe Anza y su esposa Catharina Vildosola. Fueron sus padrinos Silvestre Eguea y Xaviera Medina, todos yndios de la mision. = Mariano Antonio de Buena y Alcalde Ures f.37 0683041
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 16788 Given Name: Mariano Antonio de Surname: Buena y Alcalde Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 16789 Given Name: María Ana Felipa Surname: Ansa Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 16790 Given Name: Felipe Surname: Ansa Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 16791 Given Name: Catalina de Surname: Vildósola Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 16792 Given Name: Xaviera Surname: Medina Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 16793 Given Name: Silvestre Surname: Eguea Relationship: Godfather
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