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Event ID: 7590 Book: San Francisco Page Number: 22
Event: Baptism Event Date: 11/30/1779 Event Place: San Francisco
Notes: 139 - Francisca Saturnina Linares, Parvula de Razón - 18. En esta misión de Nuestra Señor Padre San Francisco en treinta de noviembre de 1779 bautizé solemnemente una niña nacida del día 28 del propio mes, hija de Ignacio Linares, soldado de esta escolta, y de María Gertrudis Rivas, su legítima mujer, y le puse por nombre Francisca Saturnina. Fueron sus padrinos Juan Pablo Grijalva, Sargento de la Compañía y su esposa, María Dolores Valencia, a quienes advertí la necesaria y por verdad lo firmé. = Fraile Francisco Palou (rúbrica)

18 - Francisca Saturnina Linares, Child of Reason. In this mission of Nuestro Señor Padre San Francisco, on November 30, 1779, I solemnly baptized a child who was born on the 28th day of the same month. She is the legitimate daughter of Ignacio Linares, a soldier of this guard, and María Gertrudis Rivas, his legitimate wife. I gave her the name Francisca Saturnina. Her godparents were Juan Pablo Grijalva, sergeant of this company, and his wife, María Dolores Valencia, whom I gave the necessary advice, in certification of which truth I sign. = Frair Francisco Palou
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 468 Given Name: Juan Pablo Surname: Grijalva Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 8163 Given Name: Ignacio Surname: Linares Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 8164 Given Name: María Gertrudis Surname: Rivas Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 20074 Given Name: Francisco Surname: Palou Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 20079 Given Name: Francisco Saturnina Surname: Linares Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 20080 Given Name: María Dolores Surname: Valencia Relationship: Godmother
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