
Project Profile: Develop Site Assessment for Ice Pond Run in Friendship Hill National Historical Site

a shallow creek surrounded by forest vegetation
A partial view of Ice Pond Run.

NPS Photo

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Revegetation of Hazard Mine Lands | FY22 $20,000

The National Park Service will evaluate conditions at Ice Pond Run, a site impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD), in Friendship Hill National Historic Site to determine if further action is warranted under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act or Abandoned Mined Lands Program. The project will include a record search to summarize the work performed to date, an assessment of the site, and recommendation for additional actions.

Why? Ice Pond Run at Friendship Hill National Historic Site has been impacted by acid mine drainage and residual heavy metal contamination from coal mining in the late 1940’s when the property was privately owned. A limestone neutralization remediation system was previously employed to remediate the drainage but was inadequate and later abandoned.

What else? The site assessment and records search are essential to inform the next steps to clean up and remediate Ice Pond Run. Restoration of the site and surrounding landscape will contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

Friendship Hill National Historic Site

Last updated: October 6, 2023