Visiting Hours, Public Use Limits, Closures, and Area Designations


In accordance with regulations and the delegated authority provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations (“36 CFR”), Chapter 1, Parts 1-7, authorized by Title 54 U.S.C. §100751, the following provisions apply to all lands and waters administered by the National Park Service, within the boundaries of Buffalo National River. Unless otherwise stated, these regulatory provisions apply in addition to the requirements contained in 36 CFR, Chapter 1, Parts 1-7.
Written determinations, which explain the reasoning behind the Superintendent’s use of discretionary authority, as required by Section 1.5(c), appear in this document identified by italicized print.


(a)(1) The following visiting hours and public use limits are established for all or for the listed portions of the park, and the following closures are established for all or a portion of the park to all public use or to a certain use or activity:

Visiting Hours:
Tyler Bend Visitor Center will be open Thursday - Monday 8:30- 4:00
Buffalo Point Ranger Station will be open Thursday - Monday 8:30 - 4:00
Tyler Bend Visitor Center and all visitor contact stations will be closed, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.

Campground visitor hours are from 6:00am-10:00pm. After 10:00pm only registered guests and employees are permitted in campgrounds.

1. Public Use Limits:
When the CDC COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level is LOW or Medium in the county or counties where the park is located, individuals are not required to wear masks. When the CDC COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level is HIGH in the county or counties where the park is located, all individuals over the age of two must wear masks, regardless of vaccination status, in all common areas and shared workspaces in buildings owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the National Park Service, including, but not limited to, park visitor centers, administrative offices, lodges, gift shops and restaurants.

When the CDC COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level is HIGH in one or more, but not all, of the counties where the park is located based on data provided by the CDC, the superintendent will determine whether individuals are required to wear masks. The requirement, if any, will apply to all facilities within the park. Masks must cover the nose and mouth and fit snugly around the nose and chin with no large gaps around the sides of the face. Masks not designed to be protective, masks with ventilation valves, and face shields do not meet the requirement.

Regardless of the COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level, individuals may wear masks if they choose to do so. Where a state, local, tribal, or territorial government where the park is located imposes more protective mask-wearing requirements than those indicated by the COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level, individuals must follow those more protective requirements within the park. More protective state, local, tribal, or territorial mask-wearing requirements are hereby adopted as federal requirements in all units of the National Park System located within that state, locality, area subject to a federally recognized Indian tribe’s regulatory jurisdiction, or territory, regardless of a particular park’s jurisdictional status.

• Use of individual campsites at developed campgrounds is limited to a maximum of six persons. All group sites are limited to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 people.

Determination: This is following the Department of the Interior’s current COVID-19 policy and incorporates CDC guidance.

• No person, party or organization shall be allowed to camp at Buffalo National River for more than a 14 day period in one campsite and will not exceed a total of 30 days in a calendar year without authorization of the Superintendent. After this 14 day period campers must change campgrounds.

Determination: These restrictions are imposed to limit impacts to the resources and to decrease the likelihood of campers spilling over into adjacent campsites.

• At Erbie Campground, Recreational Vehicles and pull behind campers are limited to the 14 designated RV sites.

Determination: RVs are limited to the designated sites that were designed for such use.

• Drive-in horse camping is only authorized at Steel Creek, Erbie, Woolum, Log Wagon Gap and Hathaway Horse Camps and is limited to no more than six persons and six head of stock at each campsite.

Determination: The amount of stock is limited based on the carrying capacity and size of the individual sites.

• Horse camping at Steel Creek, Erbie, Woolum, Log Wagon Gap and Hathaway Horse Camp is limited to a total of seven consecutive days.

Determination: The Superintendent has limited the days due to impacts to the resources and the amount of manure that builds up over a period of days.

• Only paper, wood or charcoal may be burned within the park. The burning of “trash” is prohibited.

Determination: The burning of paper, wood and charcoal have less impact on air quality than burning trash which could release toxins into the atmosphere.

Hikers must use the designated trails throughout the park where provided. Using “social” trails, shortcutting between trails/traces and/or creating trails by removing vegetation is prohibited; An exception to using designated trails is granted where individuals are hiking “cross country” leaving minimal impact.

Determination: Multiple areas in the park are heavily used with devastating impacts to the resource by visitors creating social trails.

• The rafting of three or more canoes, kayaks, inner tubes, river rafts, boats or any floatable vessel to make “Flotillas” is prohibited.

Determination: This type of activity is generally associated with loud raucous groups and does not have a meaningful association with the park area and would detract from the natural setting of the river.

• The playing of radios or any type of audio devices other than those only the user can hear or the use of any type of mechanized/motorized equipment is prohibited in Wilderness Areas.

Determination: This type of activity could diminish or disturb other visitor’s wilderness experience and mechanized/motorized equipment is prohibited by the Wilderness Act.


• Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Buffalo National River is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent; The term “unmanned aircraft” means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g. model airplanes, quadcopters, and drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce.

Determination: The Superintendent and other NPS authorities have decided that to maintain public health and safety, protection of environmental or scenic values, protection of natural or cultural resources, implementation of management responsibilities, equitable allocation and use of facilities, and to avoid conflict among visitor use activities the use of unmanned aircraft will not be allowed within Buffalo National River. The park has several wilderness areas and the use of these unmanned aircraft would affect wildlife, view sheds and create unreasonable and unauthorized noise levels within these areas. Until regulations can be set in place (and studies conducted) to ensure unmanned aircraft will not interfere with park operations, rescue operations, law enforcement operations and will not cause undue harm to visitors this closure will remain in place. Established users for model aircraft (as that term is used in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 91-57 and section 336 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2012) will not be affected by this closure. However, updated permits must be approved by the Superintendent and Associate Director for Visitor and Resource Protection.

• All caves within the boundary of Buffalo National River are closed to recreational caving with the exception of: The caves in Lost Valley (Eden Falls Cave and Natural Bridge); The caves along the Panther Creek trail system at Buffalo Point (Panther Cave and Indian Rock House) are open to unrestricted recreational caving; Back O' Beyond cave and Silver Hill cave are open for guided interpretive tours only.

Determination: Buffalo National River caves contain nationally significant biotic and abiotic resources that are fragile and vulnerable to human disturbance. In order to protect archeological sites and cultural resources, fragile cave formations, and endemic or endangered species that are cave-dependent, the Superintendent has determined the closure is the best available method to meet the NPS mission to protect natural and cultural resources in the park for the enjoyment of future generations at this time. Caves may contain unsuspected hazards to visitors unfamiliar to such alien environments, and the threat of serious injury or death from falls or drowning is always present. Cave rescue may be delayed or non-existent. This closure will be re-evaluated when the park completes a new Cave Management Plan.

• All abandoned mines are closed to public entry.

Determination: Closure of all abandoned mines in the park is necessary for public safety, and protection of the mine environment. During the late 1880s to 1918, the Rush area was an active zinc mining area. After 1918, the mines were deactivated and lay dormant except for occasional mineral
collectors or rock hounds. In 1984, an on-site inspection of the mines was made by the park’s Resource Management and Visitor Protection staff, the park Safety Committee, and a mine safety inspector from the Office of Mine Safety and Health Administration. The team recommended the mines be closed to public access. Among the hazards are large loose ceiling rocks, deep pits, and water-filled pits. Several of the tunnels showed signs of recent cave-ins. Mineral collecting over the past several years has further weakened the walls and ceiling. Chain link fencing was installed at the entrances to these mines in 1985, along with signs advising that the mines are unsafe and closed to entry. Cave gating has been installed in an effort to prevent entry. During 2002, mine inspections conducted by Resource Management and Visitor Protection Rangers found additional collapses and deterioration. Our experience with Rush mines and observations of other mines, has led to the conclusion the danger of these old mines is consistent throughout the park. This closure affects all abandoned mines in the park.

• All roads, lands, and waters within Buffalo National River are closed to the operation of all-terrain 3 and 4-wheel cycles, off highway vehicles (OHV), utility vehicles (UTV), and similar vehicles designed primarily for off-road recreational use, as defined by 2020 Arkansas Code Chapter 21 All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV).

• 2020 Arkansas Code § 27-21-109 establishes a defense to prosecution for prohibited use. Rangers will consider this state statute in enforcing the park prohibition.

• An ATV/UTV that is licensed as a motor vehicle in its state of origin may be utilized in the park anywhere a traditional motor vehicle may travel.

• A park employee, designated park volunteer performing an official function, cooperating agency employee, or law enforcement officer performing an official administrative, law enforcement or emergency function are authorized to use such vehicles.

• An employee of a utility, telecommunications, or cable company working during a time of emergency or severe weather may operate an all-terrain vehicle on a public street or highway.

Determination: The public use of ATVs/UTVs/OHVs and other motorized conveyances manufactured primarily for recreational, non-highway, off road, or all terrain travel within park boundaries pose a significant risk to park resources and values and create conflicts between recreational users which cannot be appropriately mitigated. Their use cannot be sustained without causing unacceptable impacts. The use of such vehicles is, therefore, not consistent with the protection of the park and visitor experience.

• The possession or use of glass containers within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of the river or any stream is prohibited for public safety.

Determination: Glass containers are prohibited within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of any swimming area on the river or any streams where one may swim in the park. A public safety hazard exists when visitors are allowed to possess glass containers on the river. The waterways of the park are used by swimmers and canoeists who are usually barefooted and broken glass on the river bottom and on the riverbanks has caused numerous injuries over the years. Arkansas Code 8-6-418 Litter Control Act also restricts glass use on the Buffalo River and other flowing streams in Arkansas. These regulations do not apply to a person removing glass and other refuse found by him or her that was previously discarded by others from the banks of the Buffalo River.

• The possession of polystyrene coolers, (commonly known as Styrofoam) is prohibited while floating or camping along the Buffalo River, except in developed campgrounds, picnic areas, landings, roads and parking lots. This prohibition includes coolers, ice chests, and containers. High density bait containers, used solely for that purpose are allowed.

Determination: Discarded polystyrene does not biodegrade for hundreds of years and is resistant to decomposition. Because of this stability, very little of the waste discarded biodegrades. Because degradation of materials creates potentially harmful liquid and gaseous bi-products that could contaminate groundwater and air The Superintendent has determined to adopt the Arkansas State Litter Law regulations for Navigable Waterways (AR Code 8-6-418) to reduce the amount of new litter entering into the river corridor. These regulations do not apply to a person removing glass and other refuse found by him or her that was previously discarded by others from the banks of the Buffalo River.

• Any person traveling on the river by means of a canoe, kayak, inner tube or other vessel easily susceptible to swamping, tipping, rolling or otherwise discharging its contents into the waterway and transporting food stuffs or beverages shall:
  • Transport all foodstuffs and beverages in a sturdy container and ensure that the container is made to seal or lock in the contents to prevent the contents from spilling into the water; containers must be secured with straps or rope to the vessel.
  • Carry and affix to the vessel a trash container or bag suitable for containing his or her refuse, waste, and trash material and capable of securely closing. The trash container or bag shall be either a sturdy container or a bag of mesh construction.
  • At all times other than when a beverage is securely contained in a sturdy container or trash container, keep the beverage attached to or held within a floating holder “koozie” or other device designed to prevent the beverage from sinking beneath the surface of the waterway.
Determination: The Park has adopted the Arkansas State Litter Law regulations for Navigable Waterways (AR Code 8-6-418) to reduce the amount of new litter entering the river corridor. These regulations do not apply to a person removing glass and other refuse found by him or her that was previously discarded by others from the banks of the Buffalo River.
• Camping is prohibited the entire length of Lost Valley including the area formally known as Lost Valley Campground. Camping is prohibited on Goat Trail (Big Bluff) and Hemmed in Hollow Trail from the Falls downstream to the first trail junction.

Determination: The Lost Valley area is prone to flash floods and could be dangerous to visitors. Also, camping in these areas of extremely high use would be detrimental to the preservation of the cultural and natural scenery, and the visitor experience. The valley and trail areas are narrow, it is difficult to camp out of view of the trail, human waste has been left in open view, fires have been built and left within view of the trail and there is a strong history of improper camping in the area.

• All roadways, trails, and other two-track access conveyances, regardless of former use, that are gated and/or marked “No Motor Vehicles” within Buffalo National River are closed to the operation of all motor vehicles, except during emergencies or administrative use.

Determination: Closure of certain roads, trails, and two-track access roads in the park is necessary for protection of park agricultural lease fields, archeological and cultural sites, riparian areas, wildlife habitat, public safety, and the general protection of the river and its associated banks and access areas. The regular availability and popularity of four wheel drive vehicles and the activities of their users have created a similar environment to that of ATV users which have damaged resources and allowed entry into areas not normally available to prudent users of a roadway in the park. Many of these roadways or conveyances are in remote areas.

• All areas in the Erbie Historic Zone (see Appendix D), with the exception of the Cavers’ Camp, Erbie Horse Camp, Erbie Campground and Cecil Cove Springs are closed to camping;

• All historic buildings and the areas adjacent are closed to camping.

Determination: Camping within a historic zone would diminish the cultural and natural scenery and the visitor experience due to the presence of tents, human waste being left in the open, fire pits constructed, and trash being left behind.

• Tethering, attaching, picketing or tying a horse, pack or other animal used for conveying persons, equipment or other property to a historic building or other cultural property is prohibited.

Determination: Attaching horses or other pack animals to historic or other cultural properties has been documented to cause undue wear and damage to park structures, as well as leaving animal waste in the immediate area.

• Geocaching is prohibited. Earth-caching or virtual-caching is allowed following The Geological Society of America’s guidelines. Geological Society of America website

Geocaching is an activity, that uses a hidden or otherwise defined location, persons locate by using mapping coordinates on the earth’s surface, which typically reveals a container holding items or other articles, including but not always a logbook, which permits persons to trade, exchange or track items at that site.

Earth-Caching or virtual-caching, is an activity that uses a geological location, located using mapping coordinates on the earth’s surface, which permits a person to visit that location, in order to learn about a unique feature of the Earth. Earth-Cache pages include a set of educational notes along with the coordinates. Earth-Caches are designed to be educational in nature showing how the planet has been shaped by geological processes, how resources are managed and how scientists gather evidence. Typically, to log an Earth-Cache, a person has to travel to the location, observe the geological site, and then provide answers to questions about their visit to the coordinates via the internet.

Determination: Geocaching results in several instances of abandoned property and alteration, if not devastation, to cultural and natural resources.
• No Events will be held in the river access area or gravel bar at Steel Creek from March through June.

Determination: The river access area at Steel Creek fills with vehicles during these times due to high river use during floating season (March through June) and high hiking and horseback riding use. The gravel bar area at Steel Creek floods in the springtime and has a high visitor use at the swimming hole. The conflict of any events and general park use has the potential to cause user conflict and interfere with efficient park operations.

(a)(2) The following areas have been designated for a specific use or activity, under the conditions and/or restrictions as noted:
Lands and waters within Buffalo National River are open to hunting as mandated by Federal statutory law and in accordance with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission regulations. Buffalo National River is a Wildlife Management Area (“WMA”) and is considered WMA Zone 080. Additionally, a portion of the Sylamore WMA, Zone 620, lies within the park in the Lower Buffalo Wilderness Area. A general use permit (WMP) is required and CWD regulations apply in Baxter, Marion, Newton and Searcy Counties. Additional regulations are as follows:

• Hunting Equipment: Killing devices or traps may not be possessed on WMAs unless a season is open. Rifles and handguns larger than .22 caliber rimfire, buckshot or rifled slugs may be used only during modern gun deer, bear or elk seasons or during daylight hours during bobcat, fox and coyote seasons. Muzzleloaders may be used during firearms season, except for muzzleloaders larger than .40 caliber, which may not be used on any WMA unless a muzzle loading or modern firearm deer, bear or elk season is open.

• Visitors may conceal or open carry a handgun, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where not allowed by the landowner. Concealed or open carry handguns are not allowed to use their weapon for any hunting purpose unless they meet Arkansas Game and Fish hunting regulations for that firearm. All visitors must identify themselves to an officer when complying with an inspection pertaining to birds, fish, game or other wildlife resources.

• Firearms may be carried on Park, but may not be used for any hunting purpose, unless the weapon is legal for that season.

Determination: The park will incorporate Arkansas Game and Fish Commission restrictions concerning the possession of weapons on WMA’s and uphold Arkansas State Law concerning possession and carry of weapons.

• The discharge of a weapon or killing device across, into or from the Buffalo River or its gravel bars is prohibited.

Determination: There is a considerable hazard to public safety if hunters discharge weapons into or across the river, or on, into or across the gravel bars. The Buffalo River is the principal recreation attraction of the park. There is year-around john-boat, canoe, and kayak use of the river; park visitors utilize the river corridor much of the year in addition to SCUBA/snorkel divers and swimmers. Many of the park’s hiking and horseback riding trails parallel the river or cross it and gravel bars are the preferred camping sites throughout the backcountry areas.

• No hunting allowed in areas designated as Safety Zones (see Appendix A) or within 150 yards (138 meters) of a park residence, developed area and/or trail. See list of Safety Zones and Developed Areas at the end of this Compendium.

Determination: Developed areas are routinely visited by members of the public who camp, hike, picnic, launch boats, park cars or attend programs. The visiting public should be able to have areas they do not feel threatened by hunting activities. Allowing hunting activities in these areas would be reckless.

• Chase for pleasure and dog training are not permitted.

Determination: This type of activity has the potential to put undue strain on wildlife and conflicts with other recreational uses.

• Trapping of feral hogs, on private inholdings and historic leases, is allowed with a Special Use Permit from the Superintendent. Trapping is for killing purposes only. The transport of live hogs is not permitted in accordance with Arkansas State Law.

Determination: The trapping of feral hogs by permit, for killing purposes only, is permissible in these areas to assist with the maintenance of scenic values, protection of natural and cultural resources and to assist in the implementation of management responsibilities. Feral hogs have been damaging historic farm lease fields and other inholding lands by digging and rooting. By allowing the owner, or lessee, of the property to engage in this activity, under requirements set forth in such permit, it helps the landowner in their endeavors while assisting the National Park Service and other entities on reducing or eradicating this non-native species. This action also assists in reducing damage to the surrounding areas. Trapping is allowed under the following circumstances:

  • The owner of the property has obtained a signed permit from the Superintendent;
  • The permit is only used under the landowner or lessee name and is not transferrable to any other party or family member;
  • The permit must be kept on the person to which it is allowed at all times when utilizing the trap;
  • The trap must be checked once every two days;
  • Only non-toxic, grain source bait may be utilized for the trap;
  • The trap is for killing purposes only. Live swine/Hogs may not be transported. Carcasses may not be deposited on Park Service lands;The requestor must define in their request the exact location of the trap(s), the need for the trap and agree to completing and submitting an annual report of the number, approximate size, and sex of hogs which were trapped and killed;
  • The requestor will attach on each trap a durable tag with the issued permit holder name, permit number, address and phone number, and vehicle license plate number. These tags will be provided by the NPS when the permit is completed.


• The possession or use of gasoline, kerosene, or powered lights (generator or liquid fuel) and stoves is prohibited in all caves except for rescue or other authorized emergency operations.

Determination: The use of gasoline, kerosene, and propane lanterns, traditionally used by some cave visitors has great potential for harm to the resource and visitors. Lanterns are generally carried in the hand as the primary light source. This reduces caver mobility in climbing and scrambling maneuvers. Lanterns are a problem in crawlways because they must be pushed along in front of the caver without burning him/her, breaking the globe, or breaking a mantle. There is always a possibility of liquid fuel spillage when a lantern is dropped or refueled, and there is a history of these occurrences in park caves. The glass globes on the lanterns are likely to break when lanterns are dropped; this has also happened in park caves. The exhaust gasses of lanterns are known to cause asphyxiation in tents and in small crawlways with little airflow; they would have the same danger. Stoves pose the same risk of asphyxiation, burning, and fuel spillage as lanterns. While they may be needed in an emergency operation to heat liquids or foods, they are not a necessary piece of caving gear.

• The following campgrounds are walk-in tent camping only and recreational vehicles and pull behind style campers are prohibited: Steel Creek, Kyle’s Landing, Carver, Spring Creek and Rush;

• Hammocks are permitted within Buffalo National River. Hammocks must be attached to vegetation of sufficient size, using straps or other techniques, which do not alter or cause damage to the vegetation. Hammocks may not be attached to park owned or maintained structures.

• Refer to §2.10 for other detailed camping area designations.

Determination: The roads to these campgrounds are narrow, steep and winding and are not designed for large vehicles. Also, the campgrounds were not designed for this type of camping therefore the Superintendent has limited these areas to walk-in tent camping.

• Occupants of a vessel who are twelve (12) years of age or younger must wear personal flotation devices (“PFD”,) of the types described below in brackets, securely fastened to their persons at all times while aboard any vessel. [One (1) Type I, II, III, or V PFD, if used according to its approved condition, which is U.S. Coast Guard approved, in good and serviceable condition, and of proper size for each person on board] A “vessel” is defined as every description of watercraft, or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on the water (36 CFR § 1.4.)

Determination: The park will require PFDs in concurrence with Arkansas State Law (27-101-203.)

• Water Skiing is prohibited.

Determination: The river corridors are too narrow and winding to support water skiing and considering the motor size is limited to 10 horsepower or less it would be inconsistent with water skiing.

• Administrative roads that are closed to motor vehicle use by the public, but open to motor vehicle use for administrative purposes may be used by non-motorized bicycles and class I and II electric bikes (e-bikes). Administratively closed roads posted as “Do Not Enter” may not be used by bicycles or electric bicycles. The operator of an e-bike may only use the motor to assist pedal propulsion. The motor may not be used to propel an e-bike without the rider also pedaling, except in locations open to public motor vehicle traffic.

Determination: Administrative roads are roads that are closed to motor vehicle use by the public, but open to motor vehicle use for administrative purposes. The superintendent may authorize bicycle and e-bikes on an administrative road in accordance with 36 CFR 4.30 (b). Such bicycle use is consistent with protection of the park area’s natural, scenic and aesthetic values, safety considerations and management objectives, and will not disturb wildlife or park resources. The superintendent has determined that non-motorized bicycles and e-bikes (class I & II) will be allowed on administratively closed roads unless posted “Do Not Enter.”

The policy supports a new Secretary’s Order, signed by U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt on August 29, 2019 that directs Department of the Interior bureaus to create a clear and consistent e-bike policy on all federal lands managed by the Department. The policy also supports a Secretary’s Order to expand recreational opportunities and accessibility on public lands.

The term "e-bike" means a two- or three- wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.).

E-bikes are allowed in Buffalo National River where traditional bicycles are allowed. E-bikes are prohibited where traditional bicycles are prohibited. Except where the use of motor vehicles by the public is allowed, using the electric motor to move an e-bike without pedaling is prohibited.

A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, and 4.30(h)(2)-(5).

Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike within Buffalo National River is governed by State law, which is adopted and made a part of this Compendium. Any violations of State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.

E-bike" shall mean "low speed electric bicycle" as defined by 15 U.S. C. § 2085 and falling within one of the following classifications:

Class 1 electric bicycle shall mean an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour;

Class 2 electric bicycle shall mean an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that may be used exclusively to propel the bicycle, and that is not capable of providing assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour; and

Class 3 electric bicycle shall mean an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 28 miles per hour.

Closures and other use restrictions E-bikes Use:
• No person shall operate a class 3 electric bicycle on any trail traditional bikes are permitted on.
• No person shall operate a class 2 electric bicycle in throttle mode only on any trail traditional bikes are permitted on.
• Class 3 e-bikes can only be used on roads inside the park that are open to all motor vehicles.
SPEED LIMITS: The speed limit for bicycles on any trails that allow traditional bicycles and electric bicycles is fifteen (15) miles per hour (mph).

Last updated: May 19, 2024

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