• Solar panels supported on poles, with a historic house in the background.
    Not Recommended Although installing solar panels behind a rear parking lot might be a suitable location in many cases, here the panels negatively impact the historic property on which they are located.
  • Solar panels on the rear slope of a rowhouse.
    Recommended Solar panels were installed appropriately on the rear portion of the roof on this historic row house that are not visible from the primary elevation.
  • Front elevation of a two-story brick rowhouse.
    Recommended Solar panels were installed appropriately on the rear portion of the roof on this historic row house that are not visible from the primary elevation.
  • Solar panels supported on poles next to an industrial building.
    Recommended Free-standing solar panels have been installed here that are visible but appropriately located at the rear of the property and compatible with the character of this industrial site.
  • Solar panels covering the roof of a two-story brick house.
    Not Recommended Solar roof panels have been installed at the rear, but because the house is situated on a corner, they are highly visible and negatively impact the character of the historic property.
  • One-story red brick post office.
    Recommended Solar panels, which also serve as awnings, were installed in secondary locations on the side and rear of this historic post office and cannot be seen from the front of the building.
  • Rear of red-brick post office with solar panels used as awnings over the windows.
    Recommended Solar panels, which also serve as awnings, were installed in secondary locations on the side and rear of this historic post office and cannot be seen from the front of the building.
  • Solar panels placed in horizontal rows on a roof.
    Recommended Solar panels placed horizontally on the roof of this historic building are not visible from below.

Solar Technology

Not Recommended
Considering on-site, solar technology only after implementing all appropriate treatments to improve energy efficiency of the building, which often have greater life-cycle cost benefit than on-site renewable energy.
Installing on-site, solar technology without first implementing all appropriate treatments to the building to improve its energy efficiency.
Analyzing whether solar technology can be used successfully and will benefit a historic building without compromising its character or the character of the site or the surrounding historic district.
Installing a solar device without first analyzing its potential benefit or whether it will negatively impact the character of the historic building or site or the surrounding historic district.
Installing a solar device in a compatible location on the site or on a non-historic building or addition where it will have minimal impact on the historic building and its site.
Placing a solar device in a highly-visible location where it will negatively impact the historic building and its site.
Installing a solar device on the historic building only after other locations have been investigated and determined infeasible.
Installing a solar device on the historic building without first considering other locations.
Installing a low-profile solar device on the historic building so that it is not visible or only minimally visible from the public right of way: for example, on a flat roof and set back to take advantage of a parapet or other roof feature to screen solar panels from view; or on a secondary slope of a roof, out of view from the public right of way.
Installing a solar device in a prominent location on the building where it will negatively impact its historic character.
Installing a solar device on the historic building in a manner that does not damage historic roofing material or negatively impact the building’s historic character and is reversible.
Installing a solar device on the historic building in a manner that damages historic roofing material or replaces it with an incompatible material and is not reversible.
Removing historic roof features to install solar panels.
Altering a historic, character-defining roof slope to install solar panels.
Installing solar devices that are not reversible.
Installing solar roof panels horizontally—flat or parallel to the roof—to reduce visibility.
Placing solar roof panels vertically where they are highly visible and will negatively impact the historic character of the building.
Investigating off-site, renewable energy options when installing on-site solar devices would negatively impact the historic character of the building or site.