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This is an image of the Frank Friedrich House in the Henry T. Oxnard Historic District, Oxnard, California. Photo: Courtesy, Oxnard CVB.

Working on the Past in Local Historic Districts

Q. What are the benefits of becoming a CLG? If they are partially financial, how can funds be used?

A. Becoming a Certified Local Government (CLG) is recognition that a community’s municipal historic preservation program meets certain state and federal standards. We’ll give you the benefits first, then tell you what the steps and requirements are.

• Eligibility to compete for at least 10% of the federal funds annually allocated to the SHPO to support local historic preservation projects. CLG funds may be used for a wide variety of projects such as historic site survey work, National Register nomination development, community planning, local design guidelines, public education and archeology.

• Direct participation in the review and approval of nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.

• Technical training and assistance specifically targeted to their needs.

• Formal recognition by the state and federal government of local preservation efforts.

>> Guidelines for Participation in Missouri's
Certified Local Government Program

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To become certified, a local government applies to the SHPO and agrees to meet these minimum federal requirements:

• Enforce State or local legislation for the designation and protection of historic properties

• Establish and maintain a qualified historic preservation commission

• Maintain a system for the survey and inventory of historic properties in coordination with its State Historic Preservation Office

• Provide for public participation in its activities, and perform other agreed upon functions delegated to it by its State Historic Preservation Officer.

Finalizing the Agreement. Upon approval of a CLG’s application for certification, the chief elected local official (or designee) and the SHPO sign a certification agreement that specifies the responsibilities of each party. The SHPO generally requires the CLG to submit an annual report summarizing its activities and accomplishments. At least once every four years, the SHPO conducts and evaluation of the CLG’s performance of its duties as outlined in the certification agreement.

Your State’s procedures detail specific requirements for certification, such as: The kinds of legislation that local governments seeking certification must enact and enforce, e.g., a local historic preservation ordinance; the expertise and background of members to serve on the local historic preservation commission; the frequency with which the commission meets; and the methods necessary to satisfy the requirement for public participation in the local preservation program.
