This is an image of the Crosby-Kemper House in Boonville Historic District, Missouri. Photo: Bill Sullivan. Boonville Area Chamber of Commewrce.
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Working on the Past in Local Historic Districts


Use these tools when available in your community

• Master plan

• Land use mechanisms, such as zoning, downzoning, cluster zoning, transfer of development rights, etc.

• Local preservation ordinances

• Subdivision ordinances

• Historic district commissions

• Easements donated in perpetuity

• Protective covenants

• Financial assistance

Use these tools when available at the state level

• State laws that help preserve historic properties or environmental quality

• Easement programs

• Financial assistance such as grants or loans

• Tax abatements or reductions

Use applicable federal tools

• Advisory Council Historic Preservation review and comment on Federal Projects

• Certified Local Government status

• Historic Preservation Fund matching grants

• Tax incentives for the certified rehabilitation of income-producing properties listed in the National Register

• Tax incentives for charitable contributions for conservation purposes


Adapted from: My Property Is Important To America’s Heritage: What Does That Mean? Answers to Questions for Owners of Historic Properties. The National Register of Historic Places

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