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Lobby > Exhibits > Why Geysers Erupt > Underlying Geology > Another Eruption?

Another Eruption?

Yellowstone's past geologic history suggests that various types of additional eruptions may occur in the future.

Chart shows likelihood of various eruptive events

The most likely type of eruption would be hydrothermal rather than volcanic. This type of explosive eruption could occur from shallow reservoirs of steam or hot water rather than molten rock, and could blast out a shallow crater more than a kilometer wide. Mary Bay, Turbid Lake, and Indian Pond are all examples of past hydrothermal explosions.

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drawing of the OFVEC
Young Scientists
Yellowstone Express
Why Geysers Erupt
Hot Water Treasures
Hot Spring Ecology
Scientific Research

This work is supported by

National Science Foundation    Yellowstone Park Foundation

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