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Another Eruption?

Although it is possible that another catastrophic caldera-forming eruption may occur in the Yellowstone area again someday, likely it won’t be for another 10 thousand years—or even longer.

Within the next few hundred years, it is more likely that any volcanic activity would consist of lava flows that would ooze gradually across the landscape over months and years. There is no scientific evidence to indicate that even that will occur any time soon.

As scientists continue to study this area, their ability to forecast geologic and volcanic hazards increases.

YVO logoScientists from the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, the United States Geological Survey, University of Utah, and Yellowstone National Park study and monitor the active geologic processes and hazards of the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field. Monthly reports are published on the YVO website.

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Why Geysers Erupt
Hot Water Treasures
Hot Spring Ecology
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