News Release

Substantial restoration project will revitalize Hampton’s buildings and grounds

Hampton Farm
Hampton Farm Grounds

NPS/Maximilian Franz

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News Release Date: May 12, 2024

Contact: Shannon McLucas

TOWSON, Md.— This summer, Hampton National Historic Site will begin to rehabilitate many of its significant historic structures with funding from the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) Legacy Restoration Fund. The restoration of the buildings and historic landscape will increase the park's ability to share the complex history of Hampton and the enslaved, indentured, and free people who lived and labored there.

Addressing the park's maintenance and repair needs is essential to preserving Hampton’s historical fabric and expanding its story. Among the structures proposed to be rehabilitated are the living quarters once used by enslaved families, and the greenhouses, barn, dairy and mansion where they worked. Non-contributing or non-historic elements on the grounds will be removed to provide visitors with a sense of Hampton’s landscape as it appeared in the early 1900s.

The project will restore building exteriors and interiors, incorporate accessibility standards, address structural deficiencies, abate hazardous materials, and modernize essential mechanical, electrical, security, plumbing, and fire detection and suppression systems.

Construction is expected to begin in July 2024 and continue through December 2025. An interactive story map with additional detail is available on the park’s website.

GAOA is part of a comprehensive effort to address the extensive deferred maintenance and repair backlog in national parks. Supported by revenue from energy development, the fund provides up to $1.3 billion per year for five years to the NPS to make significant enhancements in national parks to ensure their preservation and provide opportunities for recreation, education, and enjoyment for current and future visitors.

Last updated: May 16, 2024

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