News Release

Independence National Historical Park Superintendent Cynthia MacLeod to retire

A person wearing NPS green and gray uniform with hand on flat hat.
Superintendent Cynthia MacLeod

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News Release Date: March 23, 2023

Contact: Andrew McDougall, 215-435-4372

PHILADELPHIA – Cynthia MacLeod, Superintendent Independence National Historical Park, has announced her retirement date of April 3, 2023, concluding 42.5 years with the National Park Service. She emphasizes how fulfilling her 15 years at Independence NHP, Edgar Allan Poe National Historical Site, Gloria Dei National Historic Site, and Thaddeus Kościuszko National Memorial have been. 

MacLeod said, “It brings tears to my eyes to reflect on the small part I have played, with park staff and partners, to make relevant and accessible the stories of our nation's birthplace - the stories of diverse people connected with Independence Hall, Congress Hall, the President's House Site, the Liberty Bell, and soon again the Bicentennial Bell, the building that housed the First Bank of the United States, and the area known as Welcome Park. Their stories are our stories – the more we appreciate them, the better citizens we can be. It’s not just a slogan: Independence National Historical Park really is the ‘best park in history,’ thanks to all the staff here and all who support the park.”

MacLeod is an architectural historian who has been Superintendent of Independence National Historical Park (INHP) since February 2008. During her time, the President’s House Site was developed and constructed, the Independence Hall tower exterior was restored, the Benjamin Franklin Museum has been renovated, the Independence Visitor Center was renovated, the building that housed the Second Bank of the United States was rehabilitated, and the park hit a recent record visitation of over 5 million people during the NPS centennial year. She and her team have welcomed dignitaries from all over the world, including Pope Francis, and from all over the United States including Presidents, Senators, Congressional Representatives, and Supreme Court Justices.

She has shepherded multiple partnerships ranging from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Carpenters’ Hall, Wawa Welcome America, the American Philosophical Society, and Once Upon a Nation for preservation, education, and commemoration activities. Under her watch, the Independence Historical Trust has grown in its capacity to support the preservation and education mission of Independence National Historical Park, and the Washington Square Committee’s garden volunteers have blossomed into a major force. Funded and almost to fruition are projects to re-install for public view the Bicentennial Bell, a gift from Queen Elizabeth II to the American people, in one of INHP’s gardens at 3rd and Walnut, a major rehabilitation of the First Bank of the United States, and a major rehabilitation of Welcome Park. Other INHP project are in progress to prepare for the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 2026.

MacLeod also served as Superintendent at Richmond National Battlefield Park and the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site 1990-2008, acting superintendent of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, acting regional director NPS Northeast Region, and acting Superintendent Point Reyes National Seashore, and staff in two regional offices. She also has been a member of numerous NPS task forces for projects throughout the National Park Service. She has represented the National Park Service internationally as well, on missions to Poland, Italy and France and she earned her certification in the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program.

About Independence National Historical Park. A unit of the National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park was created 75 years ago by an Act of Congress on June 28, 1948.  Accredited by the American Association of Museums, Independence NHP covers almost 54 acres in Philadelphia’s Old City, and includes Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Congress Hall, Franklin Court, and other historic buildings associated with the founding of the United States.  For more information visit the park’s website, or follow us on social media by searching @IndependenceNHP. 

Last updated: March 24, 2023

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