Junior Ranger

Ranger swears in new Jr. Rangers
Park Ranger works with youth to complete their Junior Ranger books.


John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site is pleased to offer a Junior Ranger program. This program is free, fun, and open to everyone! While the program is ultimately designed to be done onsite and materials reserved for in-person visitors, we've created several options for doing the program offsite.

If you're participating in the program from home, complete the activities below or email us to receive the digital booklet files.

You may find our site film and virtual ranger-led tour helpful as you complete the activities; both are available on our website.

If you're making a visit to the site, check our hours of operation. Upon arrival, check in at the Visitor Center and tell a ranger that you would like to participate in the program. Participants will be provided with a Junior Ranger book and pencil.

A young JFK stands on grass with his dog.  The photo is black and white.  JFK is wearing a striped shirt, shorts, and a sun hat.  The dog is a black spaniel.
A young JFK with his dog, Bobby.

Kennedy Family Collection

Grey house on a tree-lined street. US Flag on pole.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site, 83 Beals Street Brookline, MA.  The Kennedy family home, 1914-1920.


(L-R) Joe Jr. and Jack stand with their arms over each other's shoulders.
(L-R)  Joe Jr. and Jack Kennedy.

Kennedy Family Collection, JFK Library.

A Glenwood gas and coal burning stove.  The stove is black and has a variety of oven doors.  There are several items atop the stove, including a silver kettle and ceramic bean pot.
Glenwood coal and gas burning stove at the JFK birthplace


A black candlestick style telephone.
One of two black candlestick style phones at the JFK Birthplace



The Living Room in the 1960s compared to how it looks now, after Mrs. Kennedy's work

Floral curtains hang over two windows in the back of the room.  A TV set sits between the windows.  A gas fireplace is to the right.  A portrait of JFK is on the left back wall.  A chair and couch is to the left. Floral curtains hang over two windows in the back of the room.  A TV set sits between the windows.  A gas fireplace is to the right.  A portrait of JFK is on the left back wall.  A chair and couch is to the left.

Left image
1960s living room at JFK birthplace (pre-restoration)
Credit: NPS

Right image
The historic living room at JFK NHS
Credit: NPS

A large dinner table sits in the center of the room.  It is topped with fine dinnerware.  Above the table hangs a chandelier.  By the left window, sits a children's table.
The Kennedy family dining room at 83 Beals Street, Brookline, MA.


Two twin beds covered with white embroidered spreads fill the room.  A window and baby photos are at the far end of the room.  A dark wooden dresser stands to the left of the beds.
Kennedy family Master Bedroom at 83 Beals Street Brookline, MA.


A white bassinet and christening gown at the left of the photo.  A white chair with two children's books is at the right forefront.  Behind the chair is a white twin bed with a teddy bear on top.  A white bookcase sits to the left of the bed.
The Nursery at the JFK Birthplace.  The bassinet was used by all nine of the Kennedy children.


A brown wooden desk.  On the top sits a wooden card file box, a card on JFK, a fountain pen, ink well, and a photograph of Rose's father, John F. Fitzgerald, holding Joe Jr.
The card box on Mrs. Kennedy's desk in the boudoir.


JFK's health card, listing a variety of childhood ailments.
JFK's typed health card


A black Glenwood coal and gas burning stove is on the left.  A white cabinet with glass doors houses cookware.  A small wooden table sits at the back of the room.  On the right is a counter with a soapstone sink.
The Kennedy family kitchen at 83 Beals Street, Brookline, MA.


A photo of the Kennedy family Ca. 1922
Kennedy Family, c. 1923. Right to left: John, Joseph Jr., Joseph Sr., Rosemary, Rose, Eunice, and Kathleen

John Fitzgerald Kennedy NHS Museum Collection (JOFI 24)


The JFK Birthplace in the 1960s versus today

A black and white photo of the JFK Birthplace.  A light colored colonial house with dark shutters.  A tall leafless plane tree stands to the left front of the house.  A car sits on the right of the house. A black and white photo of the JFK Birthplace.  A light colored colonial house with dark shutters.  A tall leafless plane tree stands to the left front of the house.  A car sits on the right of the house.

Left image
JFK Birthplace in the 1960s
Credit: NPS

Right image
JFK Birthplace today
Credit: NPS

President Kennedy is seated sideways in a rocking chair looking ahead while resting his chin in his hand.  He looks like he's deep in thought.
President Kennedy seated in a rocking chair.

Courtesy John Vachon

NPS Arrowhead.  A bison stands in front of a tree and mountain.
The National Park Service (NPS) Arrowhead--the official emblem of the NPS.



Last updated: July 14, 2024

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Mailing Address:

83 Beals Street
Brookline, MA 02446


617 566-7937

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