Hanford Waysides & Exhibits

A woman in a pink shirt and blue jeans reads exhibit panels on a green and white wall.
Explore exhibit panels in Hanford's B Reactor.



Explore waysides and exhibit panels in Hanford's B Reactor. The B Reactor was the first full-scale plutonium production reactor in the world. Reaching criticality in September of 1944, the B Reactor's sole purpose during the Manhattan Project was to produce plutonium for the Gadget, the world's first atomic test device, and for Fat Man, the plutonium-fueled atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945.

The exhibit panels at the B Reactor are located in three separate rooms. Follow the links below to view the panels room-by-room.

An exhibit panel featuring the title Alas Babylon and an image of a dark, dense cityscape.
Atomic Culture Room

Explore the history of atomic culture at the B Reactor.

A colorful exhibit panel showing text and several men in hazmat suits.
Health Physics Room

Learn about health physics at the B Reactor.

A black and white exhibit panel showing text and an aerial photo of the B Reactor.
History Room

Learn about the history of Hanford and the B Reactor.

Last updated: February 15, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Manhattan Project National Historical Park
c/o NPS Intermountain Regional Office
P.O. Box 25287

Denver, CO 80225-0287


Hanford: 509.376.1647
Los Alamos: 505.661.6277
Oak Ridge: 865.482.1942

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