New Website

Published on: Fri May 19 2023

The team behind NPMapJS and Park Tiles are hard at work on a number of projects to improve and modernize web maps at the National Park Service, and we’re excited to get the word out about what we’re up to. We needed a new website to replace our older, Jekyll-based website to do this. The new site you’re reading uses Astro, Tailwind CSS, Pagefind, RSS, and OpenGraph. This tool stack allows us to create content with full markdown support, as well as write MDX with embedded React components through JSX. As our team pivots to MapLibre and React, it serves us well to use a static site generator that uses the same underlying language. In addition, it’s responsive and mobile-friendly. We hope you enjoy exploring the new site and learning more about web mapping at the National Park Service!

We’ll be occasionally adding updates to our blog as well as revising content in our tools and gallery pages, so check back periodically for updates.