Cole Digges House
Historic Structures Report
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Photograph 16: Left slope of roof on the ell and rebuilt chimneystack, from the west, labeled "Pate House, June 8, 1925, by John H. Scarff." Here, too, the left-facing dormers have been reworked, but the sash are not in place.

Photograph 17: View of the restored house from the south. All sash, first-floor louvered shutters, and a side screen door are in place, as well as an iron picket railing shielding the exterior cellar steps. The walls were not newly whitewashed, just as Mrs. Paul seems to have preferred in 1925.3

Photograph 18: View from the west showing the end of a new rear, shed-roofed porch. A trellis closes the left end of the porch. The garden to the left is surrounded by a metal post and wire fence.

Photograph 19: View from west/southwest across a wide concrete sidewalk through the fence to the garden in bloom, obviously after 1926. Labeled in old handwriting "Perhaps Mrs. Chenoweth would like this."

Photograph 20: Interior view in the new living room, looking east toward closets and the arched doorway to the "hall" (enlarged stair passage). The woodwork appears light in color.

3Scarff wrote to her in 1925 encouraging her to consider new whitewash in spite of her "wish to allow the house to remain as it was." Scarff to Paul, July 30, 1925.

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Last Updated: 19-Jan-2005