Cole Digges House
Historic Structures Report
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Photograph 31: View from northwest along Main Street, showing the house flanked by J. S. deNeuville store and the bank. Ivy has covered most of the left end and chimney.

Photograph 32: View from the west, showing cellar window patches uncovered by excavation for waterproofing. Photo by Willie Graham, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1999. Neg. No. 99-WJG-125, 19s.

Photograph 33: View of the northwest chimney base from the southwest. Photo by Willie Graham, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1999. Neg. No. 99-WJG-125, 3s.

Photograph 34: View from north toward left wall of ell, with coal chute at left (northeast) and c.1925 vestibule supported by southeast wall of early cellar entrance. Photo by Willie Graham, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1999. Neg. No. 99-WJG-125, 30s.

Photograph 35: View of cellar entrance from north, with slots for the wood step nosings visible on the northeast or left wall. Photo by Willie Graham, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1999. Neg. No. 99-WJG-125, 35s.

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Last Updated: 19-Jan-2005