Fort Clatsop
Administrative History
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John R. Miele, 1973-1974

In March 1973, Paul Haertel accepted the superintendent position at Lava Beds National Monument. John Miele replaced Haertel on June 24, 1973. [7] Miele had previously been stationed in Washington D.C., where he worked on the National Parks Centennial and on the Second World Conference on National Parks held at Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Fort Clatsop was his first superintendent position.

While at Fort Clatsop, Miele concentrated on park interpretation and the restoration of the historic scene. Interpretation emphasized the scientific aspects of the Expedition and the role of the local American Indian population in assisting the Expedition. Miele was responsible for hiring the first American Indian woman, Marsha Putman, to represent Sacagawea at the fort during the summer costumed demonstration programs. Due to budget restraints, off-site school presentations were curtailed and emphasis placed on high quality, on-site interpretation.

From 1973 to 1974, Miele implemented a program to restore the historic scene around Fort Clatsop by planting 1,000 trees in the open field spaces on the memorial grounds. This program was done in cooperation with the Oregon State Forestry Department which supplied the trees, ranging from 2 to 5 years old, to be transplanted at the memorial. Ross Petersen was again responsible for the planting and maintenance of the young transplants, which consisted of species native to the area: Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and western red cedar trees. Planted areas were targeted in the memorial's 1964 Master Plan. In addition to fulfilling the master plan project, the planting also helped relieve the constant mowing and maintenance required by those open spaces. Miele saw the planting as a money and time saving effort, as well as an effort to restore the historic setting.

Miele continued the memorial's opposition to the proposed AMAX Corporation aluminum reduction plant. He also continued negotiations with Dr. Chuinard in his bid for the addition of the Salt Works site in Seaside, restating the NPS position against inclusion. Miele was appointed by Oregon Governor Tom McCall to the Oregon Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Committee and arranged a trip for committee members down the Columbia River identifying Lewis and Clark sites along the Expedition's route.

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Last Updated: 20-Jan-2004