Historic Resource Study
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List of Tables

List of Maps

List of Illustrations



Abbreviations Used in Footnotes

Chapter 1: Before Fort Union

Chapter 2: The First Fort Union

Chapter 3: Military Operations before the Civil War

Chapter 4: Life at the First Fort Union

Chapter 5: Fort Union and the Army in New Mexico during the Civil War

Chapter 6: The Third Fort Union: Construction and Military Operations, Part One (to 1869)

Chapter 7: The Third Fort Union: Construction and Military Operations, Part Two (1869-1891)

Chapter 8: Life at the Third Fort Union

Chapter 9: Military Supply & the Economy: Quartermaster, Commissary, and Ordnance Departments

Chapter 10: Fitness and Discipline: Health Care and Military Justice


Appendix A: Commanding Officers of Fort Union

Appendix B: Surgeons at Fort Union

Appendix C: Chaplains at Fort Union

Appendix D: Fort Union Post Sutlers and Traders

Appendix E: Fort Union Monthly Aggregate Garrison

Appendix F: Monthly Garrison Statistics, Fort Union

Appendix G: Regiments Represented at Fort Union

Appendix H: Desertions at Fort Union

Appendix I: Samples of Daily Schedules at Fort Union

Appendix J: Cavalry Horses at Fort Union

Appendix K: Rules and Regulations at Fort Union, 1881

Appendix L: Fort Union Quartermaster Depot, 1868

Appendix M: Fort Union Clothing & Equipage Depot, 1868

Appendix N: Fort Union Commissary Depot, 1868

Appendix O: Fort Union Arsenal, 1880


Index (omitted from the online edition)

1: Temperature and Precipitation at Fort Union
2: Subsistence Stores Dropped from Inventory at Fort Union, 1852
3: Newspapers & Periodicals Received at Post Library, 1883
4: Wages Paid Civilian Employees, 1853
5: Wages Paid Civilian Employees, 1858
6: Corn Contracts at Fort Union, 1851-1859
7: Flour Contracts in Department of New Mexico, 1853-1859
8: Commissary Contracts in New Mexico, 1861
9: Civilian Employees, Fort Union Depot, 1867
10: Civilian Employees & Salaries, Fort Union Depot, 1881
11: Contract Payments to L. B. Maxwell, 1866-1867
12: Forage Agents in Fort Union District, 1875
13: Contracts at Fort Union Depot, 1875
14: Contracts at Fort Union, 1888
15: Fort Union Consolidated Sick Report, 1871-1874

1: Territory of New Mexico 1850-1861
2: Fort Union Region
3: Fort Union Area, 1866
4: Fort Union and road to farm at Ocate, 1853
5: Southwestern Defense System before the Civil War
6: Sketch of W. H. Jackson expedition, 1859
7: Confederate Invasion of New Mexico, 1862
8: Battle of Glorieta Pass, 1862
9: Southwestern Defense System after the Civil War
10: Indian Campaigns of Fort Union
11: Military Reservation at Fort Union, 1866
12: Post and timber reserves at Fort Union, 1868

1: Wagon train fording the Arkansas River
2: "March of the Caravan" on the Santa Fe Trail
3: Stephen W. Kearny
4: Edwin Vose Sumner
5: John Pope
6: Plan of Fort Union, 1853
7: Officer's Quarters at first Fort Union
8: Building at first Fort Union
9: Sketch of first Fort Union by Captain Horace Eaton, 1856
10: Sketch of first Fort Union by Joseph Heger, 1859
11: William Wing Loring
12: Charles F. Ruff
13: George B. Crittenden
14: Isaac and Katie Bowen
15: Dr. Thomas McParlin
16: Sketch of Bowens' Tent Quarters at Fort Union, 1851
17: E. R. S. Canby
18: William Chapman
19: Cuvier Grover
20: Henry Hopkins Sibley
21: Design of Fort Union Fieldwork
22: Second Fort Union Fieldwork
23: Structure at Fort Union Fieldwork
24: John P. Slough
25: John M. Chivington
26: William R. Scurry
27: Samuel D. Raymond
28: James H. Carleton
29: Kit Carson
30: James H. Carleton, Kit Carson, Daniel Rucker, E. H. Bergmann, Charles P. Cleaver, Nelson H. Davis, Herbert M. Enos, Basil K. Norris, and John C. McFerran, 1866
31: Construction scene at third Fort Union
32: Plan of third Fort Union, 1866
33: Plan to expand third Fort Union
34: Four views of company quarters under construction
35: Officers' quarters under construction
36: Officers' quarters under construction
37: Design of proposed chapel and school room
38: Officers' row under construction
39: Plan for company quarters at Fort Union
40: Officers' row under construction
41: Officers' row at third Fort Union
42: Plan of Fort Union, 1869
43: Elevation of a set of company quarters at Fort Union
44: Elevation of a set of officer's quarters at Fort Union
45: Elevation of a set of laundresses' quarters at Fort Union
46: Plan for a set of depot officer's quarters at Fort Union
47: Plan of machine shop and lumber yard at Fort Union Depot
48: Sketch showing area of transportation corral and buildings destroyed by fire on June 27, 1874
49: Edward Hatch
50: Nathan A. M. Dudley
51: Plan of Fort Union, 1877
52: Company B, Tenth Infantry, at Fort Union about 1887
53: Company C, Tenth Infantry, at Fort Union about 1887
54: Company F, Tenth Infantry, at Fort Union about 1887
55: Company H, Tenth Infantry, in fatigue uniforms
56: Company H, Tenth Infantry, in dress uniforms
57: Company I, Tenth Infantry, at Fort Union about 1887
58: Troop E, Sixth Cavalry, mounted, about 1887
59: Troop E, Sixth Cavalry, dismounted, about 1887
60: Troop E, Sixth Cavalry, in formation with swords drawn
61: Detachment of Troop G, Sixth Cavalry, field camp
62: Sixth Cavalry trooper and horse at Fort Union
63: View of Fort Union from bluffs to west, about 1885
64: Officers' quarters at Fort Union, 1876
65: Battalion parade in front of barracks at Fort Union
66: Guard mount on Fort Union parade ground, about 1880
67: Bridget Molloy Cloonan
68: Patrick Cloonan
69: Thomas Keeshan
70: Robina Keeshan
71: Keeshan family and quarters at Fort Union
72: Walter Keeshan
73: Thomas Keeshan's appointment as commissary sergeant, 1884
74: Lucy Margaret Keeshan
75: Walter Keeshan
76: Commissary Sergeant Thomas Keeshan's dress uniform jacket
77: Officer and woman on horseback on bluffs west of Fort Union
78: Philip Herrier
79: C. E. Borden
80: Twenty-Third Infantry band at Fort Union, 1883
81: Interior of quarters of Musician Joe Nevins and his wife, Fort Union
82: Fort Union Baseball Club, 1888
83: Niels J. C. Larsen, Sixth Cavalry, 1888
84: Sergeant Strupp, Sixth Cavalry, 1888
85: Trooper "Bismark," Sixth Cavalry, 1888
86: William Walton, Tenth Infantry, 1887
87: First Sergeant Huffman, Tenth Infantry, 1887
88: Richard and Marion Sloan Russell
89: Lydia Spencer Lane and children in front of commanding officer's quarters at Fort Union, 1867
90: Post Chaplain James LaTourette quarters at Fort Union, 1884
91: Interior view of LaTourette family quarters at Fort Union
92: Interior view of LaTourette family quarters at Fort Union
93: Genevieve LaTourette Collins in chaplain's quarters
94: Officers' row at Fort Union about 1887
95: Scene in front of officer's quarters at Fort Union about 1887
96: Interior view of Lt. Edward Plummer's quarters, 1885
97: Scene in front of post headquarters at Fort Union
98: Troopers of Company G, Sixth Cavalry, near bluffs
99: Eliza St. Clair Sloan Mahoney
100: Lucien B. Maxwell
101: Quarters and offices at Fort Union Depot, 1876
102: Depot quartermaster office, 1866
103: Interior street at Fort Union Depot
104: Fort Union Depot storehouses
105: Fort Union Depot storehouses
106: Fort Union Depot transportation corral
107: Fort Union Depot transportation corral
108: Fort Union Depot transportation corral
109: Fort Union Depot machine shop and lumber yard
110: Mechanic repair shops at Fort Union Depot
111: Mechanics' corral at Fort Union Depot
112: Mechanics' corral at Fort Union Depot, 1876
113: Chick, Browne & Co., Las Vegas, New Mexico
114: Post trader's store at Fort Union
115: Post trader's store at Fort Union
116: Fort Union post trader's token
117: William Rawle Shoemaker
118: W. R. Shoemaker's appointment as military storekeeper
119: W. R. Shoemaker's wallet
120: W. R. Shoemaker's private letter book
121: Fort Union Arsenal, about 1879
122: Company G, Sixth Cavalry, at old arsenal, 1888
123: Plan of hospital at Fort Union, 1878
124: Fort Union hospital, 1866
125: Fort Union hospital, 1866
126: Fort Union hospital, 1889
127: Henry Lippincott
128: Classroom at Fort Union hospital, 1889
129: Rear view of Fort Union hospital complex, 1889
130: Side view of medical facilities, 1889
131: Fort Union hospital, 1889
132: Officers' row at Fort Union
133: Fort Union buildings
134: Remains of officers' row at Fort Union
135: Fort Union National Monument
136: Invitation to centennial observance of the abandonment of Fort Union, May 15, 1991

Dedicated to
April 27, 1949-March 23, 1993
Historian and Chief Ranger
Fort Union National Monument

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Last Updated: 09-Jul-2005