Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
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III. FORT VANCOUVER: TRANSITION, 1847-1860 (continued)
map of Fort Vancouver
Map 9. Fort Vancouver Stockade, 1849/52-60. Structures within second Fort Vancouver stockade. By Terri Taylor, National Park Service, Northwest Region.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 10. Fort Vancouver and U.S. Miltary Post and Town Environs, 1859, showing Fort Vancouver, U.S. Army post, town of Vancouver, and settlers' claims on former Hudson's Bay Company farms. Courtesy Hudson's Bay Company Archives. By Richard Covington. Courtesy Hudson's Bay Company Archives.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 11. Bonneville Map. Map of the Government Reserve at Fort Vancouver, W.T. Drawn by Bvt. Captain J.R. McConnell from a survey made by Lt. Col. B.L.E. Bonneville, 1854. Shows Quartermaster's Depot, remaining Hudson's Bay Company river front and village structures, St. James Mission, Company cemetery, stockade and garden, army garrison, and location of fields. Fences indicated with jagged lines. Courtesy National Archives.

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Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003