Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
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III. FORT VANCOUVER: TRANSITION, 1847-1860 (continued)
map of Fort Vancouver
Map 12. Fort Vancouver, 1854. Inspection Report of Colonel Joseph Mansfield of the Pacific Department, 1855, 1 March 1855, National Archives. According to this map, the Hudson's Bay Company's orchard site (N) was in use by the U.S. Army as "Soldiers Garden." Courtesy National Archives.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 13. 1859 Harney Map. Map of the Military Reservation at Fort Vancouver, W.T., surveyed by J.B. Wheeler and J. Dixon under direction of Capt G. Thom by order of Brig. Gen. W.S. Harney. Fewer Kanaka Village and river front structures are standing in this map. The map also delineates paths within the Company stockade. Courtesy National Archives.

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Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003