Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
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map of Fort Vancouver
Map 14. 1874 Ward Map. Map of the U.S. Military Reserve at Fort Vancouver, W.T., resurveyd by Lt. F.K. Ward. Hudson's Bay Company structures have disappeared. Courtesy National Archives.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 15. Plan of Present System of Water Supply at Vancouver Barracks, W.T., Compiled at Engineers Office, Headquarters, Department of the Columbia, 1886 (Building inscriptions enhanced for legibility). Vancouver Barracks after major construction in 1880s. A raised east-west road crosses the old stockade site: it can be seen in Figure 17.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 16. City of Vancouver, WA and Environs, September, 1891. C.A. Homan, City Engineer. This map shows the entire military reservation within the City of Vancouver. Courtesy Oregon Historical Sociey..

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Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003