Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
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VI. FORT VANCOUVER, 1948-PRESENT (continued)


1218The legislation allowing the transfer of surplus land through the War Assets Administration contained a stricture that lands not used for the purpose for which they were surplused would revert to the ownership of the federal government.

1219Archaeological investigations relating to the Hudson's Bay Company at Vancouver are discussed in Bryn Thomas, "An Archaeological Overview of Fort Vancouver, Vancouver Barracks, Houes of Providence, and the World War II Shipyard, Clark County, Washington," unpublished report (National Park Service, Pacific Northwest Region, March, 1992); exhaustive summaries of Caywood's investigations are contained in a series of reports up through 1955, prepared for the National Park Service; historian John Hussey's seminal reports for the National Park Service are listed in this manuscript's bibliography.

1220The principal source of information about Pearson Airpark from 1947 through the present is from Jane Merritt, "Pearson Airpark and the Development of Fort Vancouver, passim. See that chapter in her report, The Administrative History of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, for more detailed information.

1221Oregonian, 27 January 1946; 23 March, 8 April 1947; 17 July 1948.

1222Information for this section on Vancouver Barracks was largely derived from: Royce Pollard, "The Presence and Missions of the United States Army at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Washington, 1849-1988;" "Report for the Sixth United States Army Real Property Utilization Survey Team Visit to Vancouver Barracks, Washington" (Fort Lewis, Washington: Headquarters, U.S. Army Training Center, Infantry, and Fort Lewis, c. 1972); "Utilization and Retention of Real Property, Vancouver Barracks, Washington," (Fort Lewis, Washington, c. 1958).

1223See Chance and Chance, Kanaka Village/Vancouver Barracks 1974 and Chance,, Kanaka Village/Vancouver Barracks 1975. For a summary of archaeological investigations of the area, 1970-present see Bryn Thomas, "An Archaeological Overview of Fort Vancouver, Vancouver Barracks, House of Providence and the World War II Shipyard, Clark County, Washington," unpublished report (U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, Pacific Northwest Region, March 1992).

1224Thomas and Hibbs, Excavations at Kanaka Village, Vols. 1, 2.

1225Foresite Group, Inc., "Master Plan Report for Pearson Airpark," passim.

1226George Roberts, Thermometrical Register, 1838, Post Journals, B.223/a/7, Fort Vancouver #7, Hudson's Bay Company Archives.

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Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003