Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


diagram of fort
Plate VIII. Version of Vavasour's Plan of Fort Vancouver, 1845, as redrawn for publication in Oregon Historical Quarterly. (From Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society, X (March, 1909), opposite, p. 100)

painting of fort
Plate IX. Fort Vancouver from the southeast, 1845, lithograph based on drawings by Henry J. Warre. (From Henry J. Warre, Sketches in North America and the Oregon Territory, [London, 1848])

painting of fort
Plate X. Water color sketch of Fort Vancouver, 1845, by Henry J. Warre. (From the original wash drawing in the Public Archives of Canada)

painting of fort
Plate XI. Photograph of an original water color sketch of Fort Vancouver by Lieutenant T. P. Coode, of H.M.S. Modeste, probably between June 18, 1846, and May 3, 1847.

This photograph was made in 1928 from the original painting then in possession of Lieut. (later Vice-Admiral) Coode's son, Rear-Admiral C. P. R. Coode. The photograph is now in the Hudson's Bay Company Archives, London. The present location of the original water color is not known.

(Reproduced by permission of the Hudson's Bay Company)

painting of fort
Plate XII. Water color copy of Lieutenant T. P. Coode's water color sketch of Fort Vancouver, 1846-1847.

In 1928 Rear-Admiral C. P. R. Coode lent to the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company a water color sketch of Fort Vancouver made by Admiral Coode's father, Lieutenant T. P. Coode, probably between June 18, 1846 and May 3, 1847. A water color copy of the sketch was made by a Mr. Kashnor of London, and it is now in the Archives of the Hudson's Bay Company.

(Reproduced by permission of the Hudson's Bay Company)

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003