Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


diagram of fort
Plate VII. Plan of Fort Vancouver, 1845, drawn by M. Vavasour. (From the original in the Public Record Office, London, copy courtesy of Mr. Thomas Vaughan)

map of fort
Plate XIII. Map of Fort Vancouver and Village in 1846, drawn by R. Covington. (From the original in the Archives of the Hudson's Bay Company. Reproduced by permission of the Hudson's Bay Company)

sketch of fort
Plate XIV. Pencil sketch of Fort Vancouver from the northeast, drawn by Paul Kane between December, 1846, and July, 1847. (From the original sketch in the Ethnology Department, Royal Ontario Museum)

painting of fort
Plate XV. View of Fort Vancouver from the Northeast, Painted by an Unknown Artist, Probably about 1847 or 1848. (From the original painting in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)

painting of fort
Plate XVI. Enlarged Section of Painting of Fort Vancouver from the Northeast by an Unknown Artist, c. 1847 or 1848. (From the original painting in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.)

sketch of fort
Plate XVII. Fort Vancouver and the Village from the West, July, 1851. Drawn by George Gibbs. (Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives, Neg. No. 2854-F-14.)

sketch of fort
Plate XVIII. Fort Vancouver from the Northwest, July 2, 1851. Drawn by George Gibbs. (Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives, Neg. No. 2854-F-15.)

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