Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


Plate LXXV. Secretary "from Fort Vancouver," McLoughlin House National Historic Site, 1941. (From The Beaver, Outfit 272 (September, 1941), 33.)

Plate LXXVI. Assorted Timbers from Original Fort Victoria Cook House, Fort Victoria Museum, 1967.

A grooved corner post is clearly visible in the center of the picture. The thinner "filler" timbers are ranged to the left.

(National Park Service photograph by J. A. Hussey, October, 1967.)

Plate LXXVII. Horizontal "Filler" Timbers from Original Fort Victoria Cook House, Fort Victoria Museum, 1967.

The shape and finish of these timbers are characteristic of Hudson's Bay Company construction across the continent. The right-angled side of the tenon faced the outside of the wall; the beveled side was toward the inside of the structure.

(National Park Service photograph by J. A. Hussey, October, 1967.)

fort structures
Plate LXXVIII. British Columbia. Old Hudson's Bay Company Warehouse, Fort St. James, (National Park Service photograph by J. A. Hussey, September, 1967.)

Plate LXXIX. Measured Drawings, H. B. C. Warehouse, Fort St. James, Sheet 2. (National Park Service drawing by Historic Architect A. L. Koue.) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

Plate LXXX. Measured Drawings, H. B. C. Warehouse, Fort St. James, Sheet 3. (National Park Service drawing by Historic Architect A. L. Koue.) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003