Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


map of fort
Plate XXXIX. Diagram of North Gate Foundations, Fort Vancouver, as Excavated in 1966. (From John D. Combes, A Report of the Fort Vancouver Archaeological Excavations of the North Wall, figure 4.)

gate at Fort York
Plate XL. Gate at Fort York, Canada, After Restoration.

Fort York was a military post, but its gates appear to have been much like those at Hudson's Bay Company forts in the present British Columbia.

(From The Beaver, Outfit 265, No. 2 (September, 1934), 56.)

fort structures
Plate XLI. Reconstructed Gate at Fort Langley, British Columbia. (National Park Service photograph, by J. A. Hussey, Sept. 9, 1967.)

fort structures
Plate XLII. Reconstructed Gate at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan. (National Park Service photograph by J. A. Hussey, Sept. 15, 1967.)

Plate XLIII. Plan of Foundation Timbers, Fort Vancouver Bastion, As Excavated in 1947. (From Louis F. Caywood, Exploratory Excavations at Fort Vancouver, plate 4.)

fort structures
Plate XLIV. Bastion at Fort Langley, British Columbia.

(Enlarged portion of Photograph NA-1141-1 in the Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary; reproduced through the courtesy of the Glenbow-Alberta Institute.)

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003