Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


fort structures
Plate XLV. Bastion at Fort Victoria, British Columbia.

The gun slits are observable as dark lines above each cannon port and about midway between the lower cannon ports and the ground.

(Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria.)

fort structures
Plate XLVI. Fort Nanaimo Bastion, British Columbia, 1971. (National Park Service photograph by J. A. Hussey, September, 1971.)

fort structures
Plate XLVII. Construction Details, Fort Nanaimo Bastion. (National Park Service photograph by J. A. Hussey, September, 1971.)

fort structures
Plate XLVIII. Shutter Details, Fort Nanaimo Bastion. (National Park Service photograph by J. A. Hussey, September, 1971.)

fort structures
Plate XLIX. Fort St. James, British Columbia, 1914.

The structure in the center is the fish store.

(Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria.)

fort structures
Plate L. Bake Ovens in Bastion, Lower Fort Gerry, Manitoba. (National Park Service photograph by A. L. Koue, September, 1967.)

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003