Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II

BEEF STORE (continued)


As with the other warehouses, the "furnishings" of the Beef Store were largely the items stored therein. No separate inventory of "articles in use" in the Beef Store has been found. Therefore it must be assumed that a certain number of the items listed as being "In Stores" in the 1844 and 1845 inventories already reproduced (see pp. 258-59, vol. I) were assigned to the warehouse for meat, but which ones is not evident.

The Fort Vancouver account books reveal that preserved meats were packed in barrels and casks of several different sizes. For example, when the inventory for Outfit 1840 was taken (during the spring of 1841) there were on hand in the Fort Vancouver Depot the following pertinent items listed among the "Country Produce":

41Tierces Beef ea 300 lbs
2Casks Beef ea 200 lbs
20Tierces Salt Pork 300 ea lbs FV [processed at Fort Vancouver]
1Cask Salt Pork ea 400 lbs FV [processed at Fort Vancouver]
1Tierce Salt Pork ea 300 lbs FL [processed at Fort Langley] [56]

During Outfit 1844 the Company shipped the Russians salt beef from Fort Nisqually in 215-pound casks, while from Fort Vancouver the preserved meat was charged by the hundredweight (112 lbs.), though evidently it was packed in tierces. [57]

Some idea of the quantities of preserved meats on hand in the Fort Vancouver Depot can be gathered from inventories, but of course they reflect conditions only on particular dates. Total production figures have not yet been encountered by the writer. For what they are worth, the following statistics are presented:

1. At the opening of Outfit 1845 on June 1, 1845, the following quantities of preserved meats were on hand at the Fort Vancouver Depot:

43tierces salt Beef
35barrels salt Beef
30barrels FL [Fort Langley] Pork
66tierces Pork

In addition, the following items may have been kept in the Beef Store, although there is no information to that effect:

2564lbs California Grease [tallow]
1449lbs tanned Leather
732lbs hogs Lard [58]

2. In the spring of 1846 the annual inventory listed the following items of "country produce" that almost certainly were kept in the Beef Store:

176Barrels salt Beef
400lbs. pork Hams
16bbls Pork
20Tierces Pork

The following products may also have been stored in the building:

9598lbs California Grease
30ox Hides
233tanned ox Hides
1014lbs hogs Lard
650lbs Tallow [59]

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003