Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II

BEEF STORE (continued)


a. A thorough archeological examination of the northwest quadrant of the fort enclosure is required in order to determine the sequence of structures there and to attempt to establish the dimensions, exact location, and type of foundation of the Beef Store.

b. In view of the many uncertainties concerning its physical structure, it is suggested that the Beef Store be given a low priority as far as rebuilding is concerned. It is possible, though not too probable, that archeology can provide the answers to questions concerning the type of foundations, the style of construction, location of doors, etc. If so, reconstruction might be undertaken with more assurance. There still would remain, however, the problem of what to do with such a large structure that would be difficult to exhibit in any meaningful manner, even though the Beef Store would illustrate an important facet of Columbia depot activity.

c. If the building is reconstructed it is recommended that one end of the ground floor, about thirty or forty feet, be partitioned off and stocked with barrels, casks, and tierces to represent processed meats in storage. Various items of equipment and audio messages could be employed to tell quite a fascinating story of cattle drives, cattle hunts, the salting process, and shipments to Sitka. It might give a false impression to attempt to demonstrate the salting process in the building, however, because no evidence has yet been found to indicate where at the depot the actual curing was undertaken.

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003