Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II


sketch of interior
Plate XLIII. Interior of a Dwelling at the Hudson's Bay Company's Post at Pembina. Sketch by "H. M.," 1848.

From The Beaver Outfit 292 (Autumn, 1961): 50; the original sketch is in the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa.

sketch of interior
Plate XLIV. Interior of the Home of a Red River Colonist. A Pen and Ink Sketch by Peter Rindisbacher.

Courtesy of Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa. No. C 1937.

glass objects
Plate XLV. Remains of Glass Objects Bearing the Initial or Name of Clerk A. L. Lewes, Recovered During Salvage Excavations Along the East Palisade Wall, Fort Vancouver, 1966.

National Park Service photograph, courtesy of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site.

glass object
Plate XLVI. Bottom of a Glass Tumbler Bearing the Etched Name "A. L. Lewes."

National Park Service photograph, courtesy of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site.

Plate XLVII. The Library at York Factory as It Appeared in 1910.

This photograph contains a good deal of architectural information in addition to showing details of bookshelf construction. The six-panel door, for instance, is similar in general design to the exterior doors on the Bachelors' Quarters at Fort Vancouver. The vertical board paneling, chair rail, and window frame are also of interest.

Courtesy of Provincial Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg. A. V. Thomas Collection. No. 103.

Plate XLVIII. Floor Plan, Work Bench, and Anvil Support. Restoration Drawings for Blacksmith's Shop, Lower Fort Garry NHP. Drawing No. 2.

Courtesy of National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Technical Service Branch, Ottawa. (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003