The Hoover Houses and Community Structures
Historic Structures Report
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PLATES (continued)

Plate XXVI. Friends Meeting House. This interior arrangements of the Meeting House, circa 1882, as recalled by Harrietts Odell, and Theodore and Herbert Hoover. From Letter Harriette Odell to Lou Henry Hoover, undated, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, Post-Presidential Years—Birthplace.

Plate XXVII. Friends Meeting House. Photograph of east and south elevations of the Meeting House, circa 1902. The subject photograph documents the appearance of the Meeting House in the years after the construction of the belfry in 1894. The building to the south (right) of the Meeting House is the parsonage, erected in 1890. Courtesy Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.

Plate XXVIII. Friends Meeting House. Photograph made by Bill Wagner, circa 1963, of the west elevation of the Meeting House, when it was used as a Garage. Note the arcade which at this time housed Bessie's Gift Shop. Courtesy Bill Eagner.

Plate XXIX. Friends Meeting House. Photograph made by Bill Wagner, circa 1963, of the east elevation of the Meeting House, prior to its relocation. Note wood stains and scar in the cornice marking location of the belfry, which was removed in 1915. Courtesy Bill Wagner.

Plate XXX. Friends Meeting House. Photograph of north elevation of the Meeting House, circa 1963. Note the arcade housing Bessie's Gift Shop in the foreground. Courtesy Bill Wagner.

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Last Updated: 28-Jul-2006