The Hoover Houses and Community Structures
Historic Structures Report
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PLATES (continued)

Plate XXXI. Friends Meeting House. Photograph made by Bill Wagner of the joists, sills, and flooring of the Meeting House, August 1964. Courtesy Bill Wagner.

Plate XXXII. Friends Meeting House. Photograph made by Bill Wagner in the winter of 1964-65, after the Meeting House had been relocated and while restoration was in progress. This photograph is of what was the south elevation of the Meeting House during the period 1857-1915. Courtesy Bill Wagner.

Plate XXXIII. Friends Meeting House. West elevation of relocated Friends Meeting House. The structure has been relocated, and Architect Bill Wagner and his crew in 1964-65 are restoring this elevation to its appearance, circa 1875. Courtesy Ross Sayles.

Plate XXXIV. West Branch Schoolhouse. Photograph of the east elevation of the West Branch Schoolhouse, circa 1878. This photograph was made after the construction of the 1877 addition. To the right of the new schoolhouse can be seen the south elevation of the 1853 Schoolhouse. Mrs. Glen Speight Collection, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.

Plate XXXV. West Branch Schoolhouse. Photograph of east and north elevations of the subject structure made in 1940, while the building was being converted into a "modern cottage" by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor. From Maud Stratton Scrapbooks, courtesy Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.

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Last Updated: 28-Jul-2006